New Delhi: In honour of Earth Day, here is how to teach young children to live "green". Simple steps can have a big impact on the environment and preservation of natural resources, as well as added personal benefits including increased physical activity and a healthier diet.
The first Earth Day was celebrated on April 22, 1970 and was founded by US Senator Gaylord Nelson. Here are some green tips and activities adults can do with young children to celebrate Earth Day. Children need to be taught that how to care for both their own health and the environment. Here are some tips to raise earth-friendly kids from an early age.
1) Get Your Hands Dirty: Most kids love to play in the dirt. Turn this into a fun gardening experience to grow plants and herbs. Even if you have a small space, potted plants can brighten up a room and help clean the air in your home. Although it may take longer than one day to see results, planting fruits, vegetables, flowers or herbs can thrill children, teach them patience and teach them how we all can contribute to the natural beauty of the world.
2) Pick up Trash: Grab some rubber gloves and garbage bags and help beautify your local parks and playgrounds. It's a perfect opportunity to teach your child that having a safe, healthy place to play is good for their community as well as the environment. Afterwards, celebrate your hard work with a picnic outside.
3) Swap Your Car for the Bike: Instead of taking the car, go on a bike ride or pack up a stroller with essentials and walk. Walking and bike-riding are great ways to save gas and reduce emissions, while your family gets lots of exercise.
4) Go Take a Hike: Even in the most urban areas, natural beauty can be found just a few miles from home. Take your child on a nature walk and encourage your family to play outdoors. While outside, point out birds, insects and plants-not only are you creating teachable moments, you're nurturing a love and appreciation of the natural world.
5) Teach Recycling: Teach your little ones the value of recycling-newspapers, magazines, cans and junk mail are just a start. Even kids as young as toddlers can help sort recycling and place items into bins.
6) No Gushing While Brushing: Teach children to turn off the water while brushing their teeth during the two-minute brushing time dentists recommend. Remind them that letting water run unnecessarily means it's being wasted.
7) Lighten Up on Energy: Let your toddler/preschooler practice turning off the lights whenever you leave a room. Help them open curtains and blinds to let in the sun's natural light. Also, put them in charge of making sure you turn off the TV, computer, etc. whenever you aren't using it. Tots love having tasks to do, especially when you put them in charge! Not only will you be conserving energy, you'll be saving money on your energy bills too.
8) Fresh is Best: Go to your local farmers market and teach your child how to pick out ripe seasonal produce for healthy snacks. A farmers market is eco-friendly because it offers fresh fruits and vegetables that have not traveled a long distance and aren't wrapped in a lot of packaging. Having your tot smell and feel all the produce is also a great sensory activity for them.
9) Use a Reusable Bag: Next time you go to the store, give children the task of carrying their favourite backpack or bringing along other reusable bags. Put them in charge of decorating those bags and they'll be more likely to remind you to bring them with you.
10) Trash into Treasure: Bring to life the artist in your young one and save those empty containers for crafting projects rather than automatically tossing them. Egg cartons can be used as paint palettes, milk cartons as planters or bird feeders and boxes have infinite possibilities.
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