This Homemade Hair Oil is All You Need This Winter for Dry Scalp and Hair Fall
This Homemade Hair Oil is All You Need This Winter for Dry Scalp and Hair Fall
As much as these moments look enjoyable to people, winter isn't the perfect season for their hair

Indians desperately wait for the winter season to get respite from the sweltering heat, but little do they realise that they are awaiting the biggest enemy for their scalps. Winter is all about comfort, warmth, and coziness, and everyone loves sitting by the fire and enjoying a cup of hot beverage. However, as much as these moments look enjoyable to people, winter isn’t the perfect season for their hair. Many people focus on winter skincare but hair care is completely overlooked.

The freezing temperature wreaks havoc upon the hair, as it wipes out the moisture from the scalp as well as the hair, giving rise to dry and frizzy hair, itchy and flaky scalp, or simply deteriorating the scenario for those who are already facing some of these issues.

The extreme climatic condition makes the hair brittle and prone to breakage and split ends. Not just this, but it dulls the natural shine and results in fading the natural hair color.

Wondering what is the solution? Well, no one can beat Indians in coming up with chemical-free and 100% natural home remedies. Celebrity fitness expert and nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar has the perfect homemade hair oil recipe for the troubles like hair fall, greys, and dry scalp.

Recently, the nutritionist posted a video on Instagram where she can be seen preparing a homemade oil with all the natural ingredients and then storing it for later use.

The brownie point about this oil is not only its nutritious ingredients but the fact that after taking out all the oil one can also use these solid remains as a body scrub.

“Winter special oil for dry scalp, hair fall, and greying hair,” she captioned the video.

Diwekar said that this recipe belongs to her mother Rekha Diwekar, who is a former Chemistry professor and now a heritage food expert and a promoter of Kitchen Chemistry.

The ingredients used in the oil are hibiscus flowers (20), neem leaves (30), curry leaves (30), onions (5 small), fenugreek seeds (1 tsp), aloe vera (1 leaf), jasmine flowers (15-20), and coconut oil (1 litre).

Further, she explained the procedure to make the homemade oil, which is as follows:

  • Soak fenugreek seeds in water for half an hour.
  • Cut aloe vera into small pieces.
  • Grind all ingredients together.
  • Add this to one litre of pure coconut oil.
  • Heat on a low flame for about 30-45 minutes till the color changes to green.
  • Allow it to cool down
  • Strain and store in a glass bottle.

Last but not the least, she recommended all to apply on the scalp and massage it well.

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