Mumbai: Sailor ends life onboard Naval ship
Mumbai: Sailor ends life onboard Naval ship
Gurucharan Singh was found hanging in the ship captain's pantry unit. He used a nylon rope to hang himself and his body was spotted at about 9.30 AM on Thursday by his colleagues.

Mumbai: A 24-year-old sailor belonging to Punjab allegedly committed suicide onboard Naval ship 'INS Deepak' due to personal reasons, police said on Thursday.

Gurucharan Singh was found hanging in the ship captain's pantry unit. He used a nylon rope to hang himself and his body was spotted at about 9.30 AM on Thursday by his colleagues, they said.

"Singh took the pantry key at about 9.30 last night, but did not come out for several hours. The pantry's doors were broken this morning and he was found hanging. The deceased had ligature marks around his neck," Additional Police

Commissioner (South Region) Krishna Prakash said.

"A suicide note was found in which he claimed to have ended his life due to personal reasons and nobody should be held responsible for his action," Prakash added.

An inquiry has been ordered, a defence spokesperson said. This is the second suicide committed by a sailor onboard a ship in Mumbai this month. On September 11, sailor Nitin Yadav, posted on 'INS Mysore', had shot himself with his rifle.

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