How To
How to Be Emo: A Guide to Emo Culture
Teenagers have been self-identifying as "emo" for years, yet it still manages to confound and confuse the mainstream today: what is emo and what does it even mean to be emo? Based on the melodically aggressive underground music of mid-’80s Washington, D.C...
How to Give People Advice
You’re not Dear Abby, but you’ve probably been asked for advice before. Maybe you have a friend who is facing a major life decision. Or perhaps you’re a boss trying to mentor an employee. The odds are that you will be asked to give advice on many occasion...
How to Replace Damaged Roof Shingles
Damaged shingles can seriously cut into the life of a roof. To keep your house secure, it's important to regularly evaluate and replace damaged shingles to make sure your home is safe and dry.[1] X Expert Source David BitanRoofing Contractor & M...
How to Babysit
Babysitting requires a lot of patience and maturity, but it can also be really fun! If you’re new to babysitting, you might be wondering how to find clients, what to charge, and how to be a good babysitter. Don’t worry—with a bit of preparation and dedica...
How to Avoid Pornography
Viewing pornography can be an unhealthy habit that puts a strain on your life and your relationships. If you're having trouble giving up pornography, try removing any access you have to the material and find positive ways to stop yourself from being tempt...
How to Make Play Dough
Making play dough is a fun and easy activity for kids and grownups alike. Cook it on the stove or whip up a tasty version with marshmallows in the microwave. Whichever you choose, get creative! Add food coloring, glitter, and more for the prettiest play d...
How to Cut a Cigar
First time smoking a cigar? Then it's time you learned how to cut one properly. Even if you don't want to smoke a cigar yourself it's useful to know how, in order to cut cigars for people at parties or celebrations.
How to Braid a Woman's Hair on a Date
Whether you’re trying to build physical intimacy with a new girlfriend, or simply trying to have a special moment with a woman you’ve been seeing for a while, braiding her hair is a great way to start. And since it’s more about having a special moment tog...
How to Keep Litter from Clumping in Your Kitty's Paws
Cats that use a litter box can sometimes have a problem with the litter sticking to their paws. This not only tracks the litter throughout the house, but it can also be painful and irritate the cat’s skin. Changing the litter in the litter box to a non-cl...
How to Become School Head Boy or Head Girl
In the British School System Head Boys and Head Girls are selected each year from an institution’s highest class of students. Each academic institution selects or elects a Head Boy and Head Girl in a slightly different manner. The Head Boy and Head Girl a...
The Best Way to Wash Your Face (Plus Product Recommendations)
Ready to learn the best technique for keeping your face bright, healthy, and fresh? Washing your face every day is an easy way to scrub away dirt and grime, and using the right products and techniques ensures your skin won’t get dry or break out. Whether...
How to Fake Sick to Stay Home from School
You really don’t want to go to school, but there’s no way your parents will just let you play hooky. Don't worry—we’ll teach you everything you need to know about how to fake being sick, like how to begin your “sickness” the day before and how to keep the...
How to Fix a Car That Stalls
There are many things that could cause a car to stall, with solutions ranging from simple to complex. Stalling is caused by a loss of air, fuel, or electricity while the engine is running. By identifying the problem yourself, you may be able to repair it,...
How to Clean Diamond Earrings
Diamond earrings become dull and dirty through frequent wear. They pick up oil from your skin and hair, causing the metal to become worn and the stones to lose their luster. Luckily, many home products will restore the shine to your diamond earrings. For...
How to Become a Christian According to the Bible
Christianity is one of the most popular religions in the world because it provides a belief system that many people relate to. To become a Christian, you first have to understand the basics of Christianity. Then, you might choose to officially join a cong...
How to Play Bullshit
"Bullshit" (also known as "Cheat", "I Doubt It", "Bluff", "BS" & "Liar") is a multiplayer card game that involves a lot of courage, deception, and trying to get rid of all the cards in your hand. It's also a lot of fun--just don't get caught in a lie! If...