“NTM” Meanings
Not too much On TikTok, “NTM” stands for “not too much.” Users will use this acronym in video captions or the comment section to say that they're up to nothing much, or to express that something isn't too over the top. They may also use it as a way to tell people not to do too much or go overboard with something. “NTM. What are you up to?” “Girls are always saying ‘ntm’ but are always doing everything.” “It’s ntm! Anything you wear is iconic ????????????” Ntm! Don't talk too much smack about him, he's my friend!"
Not to mention In some cases, “NTM” can mean “not to mention.” This use is typically reserved for more serious texting conversations or longer messages. For instance, a friend might use it while ranting about their crush or ex. “Really? Ntm how you did his homework last week ????” “NTM she totally blew me off! Like, can you believe that? After everything I did for her?? smh” “I can’t come! I’m sorry ???? Practice is taking over my life, and ntm my mom is sick.”
Next to me While it’s not as commonly used, “NTM” may also stand for “next to me.” This version of the acronym is generally used while talking about the location of an item or when gaming. “Bro! The Enderman is ntm HELP!” “The remote’s NTM. Why? Do you need it?” “I want you ntm, baby ????”
How to Use “NTM”
Send “NTM” when you’ve got nothing going on. Tag a post with or text a friend “NTM” to say, “Nothing much.” This is a great way to respond to a message like, “Hey! What’s up?” or talk about how bored you feel. “Yeah, ntm. My life is pretty boring.” “How’s life you ask? #ntm”
Reply with “NTM” if you know where something is. Maybe a friend texts you asking if you’ve seen their bag, or perhaps you’re playing Fortnite and stumbled into an enemy. Either way, “NTM” can help you say “next to me” quickly. “Ntm. Want me to bring it to you?” “Guys! The sniper is ntm on the other building.”
Send “NTM” to be flirty. If you’re texting your special someone or crush, tell them you want to be by their side with a quick “NTM.” Add a flirty emoji, and your “next to me” message can have them running over in an instant! “Baby, there’s nothing I want more than you ntm.” “NTM is the only place I need you to be ????”
Use “NTM” to save space. Acronyms can be a great addition to social media posts, especially when there’s a character limit. So, if you have a lot you want to say, shorten the phrases “nothing much,” “not to mention,” or “next to me” with “NTM” to keep your post or message as short as possible.
Other Slang Terms & Acronyms
“NTM” isn’t the only acronym Gen Z is using on social media. Check out these other slang terms and acronyms to upgrade your texting game: AMA: Ask me anything DYK: Did you know FTW: For the win GTG: Good to go HMU: Hit me up HTH: Here to help IYKYK: If you know, you know NBD: No big deal SMH: So much hate SUS: Suspicious TFW: That feeling when
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