How to Give a Back Tickle (Treasure Hunt Remix)
How to Give a Back Tickle (Treasure Hunt Remix)
This is a really fun to do with your kids as you tuck them in for bed. It's especially fun for ticklish people. It's called "Going On A Treasure Hunt."

Have the recipient of the back tickle lay down face first as if they are going to receive a back rub.

This works best on bare skin (tickle factor) but either way is cool.

Say out loud, "Going on a treasure hunt..."

Simultaneously with your finger spell out "going... on... a..." by tracing big letters (one on top of another) on their back.

Draw a big treasure box. (as you say "treasure hunt")

Say "X marks the spot"

- simultaneously draw a big "X" and "dot" the spot right in the middle by lightly stabbing it with your finger.

Say "Three miles down and..."

- Draw a big tree, slowly draw a line down and a big arrow.

Say "... a question mark!"

- Draw a BIG question mark and dot it. (you could make a popping noise with your mouth as you dot it if you like sound effects.)

Say "A pinch..."

Pinch 'em on the side (lightly! this isn't supposed to be painful)

Say "A squeeze..."

Squeeze 'em a little. (Shoulders or side, whichever works best.)

Say "A tropical breeze..."

Blow on neck. Optional, give 'em a little kiss on the neck first and then they can really feel the breeze.

Say "And a big downpour all over your back!"

Quickly tickle them all over their back!

By now they are surely giggling, so tuck 'em in, give 'em a kiss and say "G'night".

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