100+ Family Feud Questions
100+ Family Feud Questions
The key to a fun Family Feud game lies in the questions you ask your players—and we’ve got you covered with all the questions you could possibly imagine, straight from the game show’s archives (courtesy of the archival team from mstiescott.neocities.org). Scroll on to find the perfect prompts for your next at-home Family Feud game!

Note: Any of the following questions/answers can be used in a Fast Money round.
Good Family Feud Questions

Classic Family Feud Questions

Name an occupation that begins with the letter “J”: Janitor (62) Judge/justice (19) Jeweler (5) Jockey (4) Journalist (4) Juggler (3)

If you’re obsessed with yourself, name a place you’d keep your picture: Home/over my bed (44) Wallet (28) At work/on desk (12) Computer/Facebook (6) Car/dashboard (5) Cell phone/screen (3)

Name something that starts with the word “chow”: Chow mein (57) Chowder (12) Chowhound (8) Chow chow (8) Chow down (6) Chowtime (6)

Name something that has to be licked: Lollipop (33) Ice cream/cone (32) Stamp (11) Popsicle (10) Envelope (9) Your lips (2)

When you call in sick, name something you do to make it believable: Cough (68) Hoarse/weak voice (18) Fake puke (3) Moan/groan (3) Go to doctor/get a note (2) Sneeze/sniffle (2)

Name something a man polishes until it shines: His car/truck (46) His shoes/boots (43) His watch His tools (3) His gun (2) His face/head (2)

Name something that’s described as sharp: Knife (69) Needle (8) Tack (7) Pencil (5) Razor blade (5) Intelligence (3)

Name something that might bite you for which you would require medical attention: Snake/rattlesnake (48) Bug/brown recluse (22) Dog (20) Alligator (2) Raccoon (2) Rat (2)

Name something that could be made of gold in a billionaire’s bathroom: Toilet/seat (44) Faucet/sink (34) Shower/tub (16) Toilet paper holder (3) Razor (2)

Name something that can be inflated or deflated: Tire/inner tube (33) Ball/football (26) Ego/emotions (18) Balloon (13) Air mattress (8)

Name the most useful body part that begins with the letter “L”: Legs (77) Lips (12) Lungs (6) Liver (4)

Name something a person might want out of: Relationship (48) Prison (16) Contract/lease (14) Job (7) Jury duty (5) The car (2) The mafia (2)

Name the circus performer that probably has the shortest lifespan: Animal tamer (40) Acrobat/tight rope (31) Clown (5) Fire-eater/thrower (5) Animal (5) Fat/bearded lady (4) Human cannonball (4)

Name something that people do when they win Fast Money on “Family Feud”: Scream/cheer (44) Jump/chest bump (28) Spend/blow it (21) Dance (2) Hug Steve (2)

Name something an athlete might break: Bone/body part (80) A record (16) Bat/equipment (2) Rules/the law (2)

Name a place where you don’t like people walking in on you unannounced: Bathroom (76) My bedroom (15) My house (7) Work/office (2)

Name something employees look forward to on Fridays: Leaving/the weekend (60) Paycheck (17) Happy hour/drinks (14) Casual dress (9)

Name a famous person with the initials M.J.: Michael Jackson (54) Michael Jordan (37) Magic Johnson (6) Mick Jagger (3)

Name something that might take a dive: Stock market (49) Bird/swan (13) Swimmer/diver (11) Boxer/wrestler (9) Airplane (6)

Name something people ask you to smell: Perfume/cologne (30) Food/milk (30) Flowers/rose (27) Their finger (5)

Name a question that employees in a company are encouraged not to ask each other: How much do you make? (62) How old are you? (14) You married? (9) Like guys or girls? (5) Go on a date? (3) Hate your job? (2)

Name something you do around the campfire that makes you feel like a kid again: Cook/eat/s’mores (66) Sing (14) Talk/ghost story (11) Smoke a joint (3) Play in the fire (2)

Name a city that you’d hate to be in during a major blackout: NYC (58) LA (18) Chicago (13) Detroit (3) Las Vegas (3)

Name something you do in the shower that starts with the letter “S”: Sing (33) Shave (28) Shampoo (18) Soap (10) Shower (2)

Give me another way people say “broke”: Busted (22) Tapped out (21) Poor (13) Spent (12) Bankrupt (11)

Fill in the blank: __ your fingers: Cross (22) Lick (20) Snap (17) Wiggle (8) Count/count on (7)

Name a place where you see people squirming in their seats: Theater/movies (27) Church (18) Dentist/doctor (12) Court (9) Airplane (5)

Name something that should not be on your lap when you’re driving: Baby/child (25) Dog/pet (21) Food/drink/coffee (21) Cell phone (15) Lover (15) Laptop (3)

When you were a kid, name a specific place you knew monsters were hiding: Under bed (45) Closet (36) Basement (7) Attic (2) Mountain/woods (2) Stairs/under them (2)

Name something lottery winners probably worry about: Greedy friends/family (37) Taxes (25) Theft/crime target (21) Losing anonymity (4) Losing ticket (4) Salespeople (3)

Name something you’d do if you saw a coworker sleeping on the job: Wake/scare them (61) Laugh (8) Ignore/let them be (8) Join them (7) Tell boss (7) Take pic/vid (5) Draw on them (4)

You’re in a buffet line and you see someone sneezing close to the food. What do you do? Leave/not eat (43) Avoid area/food (34) Complain to staff (10) Confront them (5) Offer a tissue (2) Barf/gag (2) Make face/raise brow (2)

Fill in the blank: I’m so excited, I could __: Scream/shout (47) Pee/poop (17) Burst/explode (10) Cry (7) Die (4) Spit (4) Jump (4)

Name a good place to go when you want to cry: Bed/bedroom (46) Shower/bathroom (27) Movie/theater (9) My car (4) A friend’s (3) In a closet (2) The woods (2)

Name something you won’t clean until it looks dirty: My car (31) My shoes/undies (31) My toilet (21) My windows (12) My sink (3)

Name something that might be sold at a funeral home’s going out of business sale: Coffins (78) Urns (7) Furniture/pews (7) Hearse (3) Flowers/wreaths (2)

Name something an indoor cat hates watching the outdoor cats chase while he sits in his window: Birds (50) Mice/rats (24) Squirrels (15) Weak dogs (3) Other cats (2)

Name something people spit on when they talk: Other people (46) Ground/floor (28) Food/table (7) Selves/own hands (6) Cell phone (6)

Name something that might be called a nail-biter: Movie/TV show/book (37) Sporting event (36) Human (13) Test result (4) Roller coaster (3)

Name something people do in the mud: Wrestle/fight (48) Play/roll/jump (24) Drive ATVs (8) Get stuck/sink (7) Bathe (5)

What would you do at a fancy restaurant if your credit card was declined? Run/dash (20) Use other card (20) Pay cash/hit ATM (18) Cry/act embarrassed (16) Do dishes/work (9)

Fill in the blank: pack of ___: Wolves (42) Gum (17) Cigs/smokes (12) Cards (5) Lies (5) You might tell someone, “Give me a __”?{endbold} Break (42) Hug (9) Kiss (9) Minute/second (8) Hand (7)

Name a weather condition that would be a good name for a wrestler: Tornado (19) Stormy/storm (18) Thunder/thunderstorm (16) Hurricane (12) Tsunami (6)

Fill in the blank: blood __: Blood bank (50) Blood brother/sister (6) Bloodbath (5) Bloodsucker (3) Bloodline (3)

Name a place you’d go to but wouldn’t want to work at: Restaurant (24) Store/mall (19) Bar/nightclub (7) Amusement park (7) Zoo (5)

Name something we might have seen you eating when you were in kindergarten: Cookies/crackers (14) Sandwich/PBJ (14) Paste/glue (13) Candy (12) Apple/fruit (9)

Name something of yours you regret not shopping around for before getting it: Car/truck (28) House/apartment (8) Partner (8) Clothes/shoes (8) Furniture/mattress (7)

Funny Family Feud Questions

Name something a housefly dies from that you’d hate to be the cause of your death: Flyswatter (74) Bug spray (6) Starvation (5) Heat (3) No air (3) From eating poo (3) Drowning (2) Flypaper (2)

Name something a baby does that would be unacceptable in a roommate: Cry at 3 AM (39) Poo/wet self (28) Puke on me (9) Burp (8) Make mess/toss food (5) Fart (4) Pee in my face (3) Nurse on me (2)

Name something done to nuts that Mr. Peanut’s wife might do to him for cheating on her: Crack/smash him (74) Roast him (8) Chop him to bits (7) Grind/peanut butter (3) Boil him (2) Chew up/eat him (2)

Name something chickens do that you’d feel silly doing: Cluck/crow (63) Lay eggs (16) Peck ground to eat (15) Flap wings (3) Scratch the dirt (2)

Name someone at a funeral you’d be shocked to hear telling jokes: The clergy (41) Widow/family (36) The corpse (10) Funeral director (10) Comic/Don Rickles (2)

What would it be hard to do if you accidentally put on super glue instead of lipstick: Eat Talk Kiss Breathe Take it off

Name something you did every day in kindergarten that you wish you could do every day now: Nap (64) Play/toys/recess (19) Color/paint (12) Get free snacks (4)

Bodybuilders have biceps the size of a melon. What fruit is the size of yours? Apple (32) Lemon (20) Orange (18) Grapefruit (13) Kumquat (11) Plum (4) Grape (2)

Name someone whose call you might take when you’re on the toilet: Mom/Dad (43) My sweetie (29) Boss (7) My kid (5) Sibling (4) Friend (4) Gastroenterologist (3)

On vacation, you wanted a room with a view. But you ended up looking at: A building/wall (76) A parking lot (8) An alley/street (5) Dumpster/trash (3) Each other (3)

If you could fly like a bird, name something you might poop on: People/politician Car/truck (72) Building (20) People’s food/picnic (3) Statue (2)

The world’s cheapest guy doesn’t buy flowers on Valentine’s Day. Instead, he gets them from: Funeral/cemetery (42) A yard/his date’s (42) Field/roadside (10) Park (3) Trash/dumpster (2)

Name something Santa Claus hopes is waiting for him when he returns on Christmas Eve: More cookies/food (37) Mrs. Claus (35) Beverage (16) Cozy bed (6) Antacid (2)

Name a reason a snail might complain about his shell: Too small/tight (47) Too heavy/big (34) Dirty/stinks (6) Too hot (5) Too hard (2)

Name an animal’s poop you might mistake for Raisinets: Rabbit (66) Deer (9) Hamster (7) Mouse/rat (5) Guinea pig (4)

Name a part of a vampire’s daily routine: Drink blood/bite (50) Sleep all day (17) Brush/file fangs (17) Close curtains (4) Clean coffin (3)

Name something that would be fun to do if you were a ghost: Scare folks/my ex (56) Spy on people (17) Go through walls (14) Fly (6) Chill with buds/fam (2)

At the nursing home Christmas party, someone left their teeth in the what: Punch bowl/glass (68) Bathroom/toilet (10) Food/dip (8) Manger scene (3) Christmas tree (3)

Name something the farmer’s pig might do to look more like her idol, Miss Piggy: Makeup/mascara (46) Hairdo/bow/wig (26) Wear dress/hat (11) Take bath/shower (7) Sing/talk (4) Shave (2)

Name something that, if Steve Harvey wanted to give you, you would gladly accept: Money (77) A kiss or hug (5) A car (5) House (3) Vacation (2) Pageant title (2)

If you were trapped inside an ATM, name something you might do to try to get people’s attention: Toss cash out (25) Yell/cuss (24) Bang/knock (16) SOS note (15) Withhold money (12) Sing (2) Keep ATM cards (2)

Name something the world’s richest dog might hire someone to do for them: Scratch/rub (18) Clean/groom (18) Scoop poop (18) Walk/run them (17) Feed them (11) Play/fetch (9) Lick them (2)

Name something your dog does when “Family Feud” comes on TV: Barks/howls (47) Sleeps (23) Hides/leaves room (10) Eats (5) Watches it (5)

Food-Related Family Feud Questions

Name something that might be brewing: Coffee (37) Beer (28) Tea (17) Trouble (8) A storm (5) A plot (3)

Which of the seven dwarves describes how you feel after a couple of drinks? Happy (56) Dopey (25) Sleepy (10) Bashful (5) Grumpy (3)

Name a drink that’s served both hot and cold: Tea (59) Coffee (34) Milk (3) Cider (3)

Name a kind of ball that people chew: Gum ball (81) Meatball (6) Jawbreaker (4) Cheese ball (2) Melon ball (2)

Name a food you could eat every day for the rest of your life: Pizza (27) Ice cream (12) Pasta/ramen noodle (8) Fruit/figs (8) Seafood/sushi (7)

Name something edible that’s spreadable: Butter/margarine (35) Cheese (23) Peanut butter (22) Jelly/jam (13) Chocolate (2) Icing (2)

If a man lost his barbecue tongs, what might he use to flip his meat? Fork (49) Spatula (28) Hands/finger (16) Spade/shovel (2) Sticks (2)

Relationship-Related Family Feud Questions

Name a sign that your girlfriend might be turning into a cat: Meows/purrs (37) Claws/scratches (21) Growing whiskers (18) Growing a tail (10) Eats Friskies (4) Hisses (4) Getting furry (4) Uses litter box (2)

Roses are red. Violets are blue. What kind of flowers do cheap guys buy you? Daisies (39) Carnations (38) None/invisible (9) Tulips (6) Plastic/fake (3) Dandelions (3)

Name something a guy might bring on a date to save money: Coupon (61) Food/dinner (23) Wine/booze (12) Gift/reward card (3)

If all US presidents were alive, single, and ready to mingle, who would you date? John F. Kennedy (41) Barack Obama (25) Ronald Reagan (13) Abe Lincoln (7) George Washington (4) Thomas Jefferson (3) Bill Clinton (2)

Name an event for which you’d hate to find yourself dateless: Wedding (42) Party/New Year’s (20) Valentine’s Day (14) Prom (11) Reunion (10)

Name a reason why making out in a car isn’t such a good idea: No room (47) Caught by police (28) Fogs up windows (9) Might crash (8) Too cold/weather (2)

Tell me a traffic sign that best describes your love life: Stop (37) Yield (20) Slow (9) Dead end (5) Caution (5)

Name an Italian food that an Italian lover can make sound sexy: Lasagna (26) Spaghetti (14) Pasta (8) Pizza (8) Linguine (7)

Name a way you can tell the couple in the car next to you is married: They’re arguing (38) Wedding rings (19) No talk/eye contact (15) Snuggling/sit close (10) Kid/baby on board (10) Sit far apart (4) “Just wed”/garter (2)

When a man you don’t want to marry proposes to you, tell me an excuse you use to let him down gently: Not ready/too soon (45) Wrong fit/just buds (27) I’m into chicks (10) I’m taken/married (8) Against marriage (7)

Name a one-word text a man sends his girlfriend to tell her he’s breaking up with him: Bye (39) Done (25) Over (13) Adios (5) “Deuces” (4)

Name something a woman can hug with no fear of being dumped: Dog/pet (36) Stuffed animal (29) Baby/child (15) Pillow (8) Tree (8) Friend (2)

Name a breed of dog whose face looks like some of the guys you’ve dated: Bulldog (31) Pit bull (22) German shepherd (13) Boxer (12) Doberman (11) Pug (9)

Name the last palace you’d expect to find true love: Bar/nightclub (50) Work (11) Prison (9) Online (7) Gas station (3)

Name something your husband stopped doing so much of after you got married: Flowers/gifts (19) Complimenting me (16) Housework/cooking (13) Exercising (11) Having good manners (8)

Family Feud Questions for Kids

Name something kids line up for at school: Lunch/snack (78) Recess (12) Fire drill (5) School bus (4)

Name a sea creature the Little Mermaid might hitch a ride on: Dolphin/porpoise (24) Seahorse (24) Whale/orca (19) Sea turtle (11) Fish/shark (10) Crab/Sebastian (5) Octopus (5)

Tell me something you know that a young child will say during a long car trip: There yet/how long? (64) Prairie doggin’/pee (27) I’m bored! (3) I’m hungry! (3) I’m tired! (2)

Name a word that rhymes with “honey”: Money (62) Bunny (24) Funny (7) Sunny (6)

Name an animal that, if it could talk, would say “I’m all ears”: Elephant (46) Rabbit (34) Dog/dachshund (9) Donkey/mule (3) Fox (2) Mouse (2)

Name an activity that’s easier to do when it’s windy: Fly a kite (89) Sail (7) Surf (2) Air-dry clothes (2)

Give me a word that rhymes with “ladder”: Bladder (46) Madder/matter (14) Sadder (12) Badder/batter (9) Fatter (3)

You’d be offended if your best friend told you that you need to get a: Life (27) Surgey/new face (23) Haircut (7) New outfit (4) Shower/bath (4)

Give me a 3-letter word that starts with the letter “Z”: Zoo (40) Zip (18) Zap (15) Zen (13) Zit (13)

Give me another way people say “dad”: Pop/pops (43) Father (19) Daddy (16) Papa/pa (16) Dada (4)

Name something specific that has a long neck: Giraffe (70) Ostrich (10) Bottle/beer bottle (4) Crane (3) Swan (3) A glass (2)

Name something you haven’t worn since you were a baby: Diaper (80) Bib (7) Onesie (6) Booties (4) Hat/bonnet (2)

Give me a word that rhymes with “clock:” Dock (30) Sock (15) Block (13) Rock (11) Stock (6)

Name something that’s small and green: A pea (29) Frog/toad (22) Plant/leaf/grass (12) Money/dollar (4) A jalapeno (4)

Name an animal that doesn’t have much personality: Sloth (31) Fish (12) Turtle (8) Slug/snail (7) Snake (7)

Give me a word that rhymes with “crow”: Bow (14) Grow (13) Mow (11) Row (10) Blow (8)

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