Google Pixel 3 Will Get Joint Security Updates for December and January
Google Pixel 3 Will Get Joint Security Updates for December and January
Responding to a Twitter user's complaint regarding the delay in rolling out the December security update, Google confirmed that both security patches will be released together.

Certain Google Pixel 3 users have complained that they haven’t received security updates for the month of December. Following the delay, a Pixel user reached out to Google on Twitter, saying he hasn’t received December updates for his Pixel 3 XL and his phone is running on November updates. Reportedly, there was also a delay in updates for the Pixel 4 in November and December.

“Almost 2020 and my Pixel 3 XL still doesn't have the December update. Is my really this slow to roll out or do I have to clear some services cache (again)?” a user tweeted. Google immediately and acknowledged the delay. It said we will be rolling out a “joint January and December security update” for Pixel 3 and Pixel XL in the “coming days”.

Google’s Pixel phones see a fresh monthly security update within the first week of every month. However, it seems that the company will release a joint December and January update available only for some Pixel 3 owners since a number of users have already got the update when the Pixel 4 phone was rolled out. However, it is unclear if the upcoming security updates for December and January will cover other Pixel phones such as Pixel 3a and 2. One of the major selling points of a Google Pixel phone is that it keeps updating its security patches at the beginning of every month. And it seems that Google is struggling to keep up.

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