THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: After jackfruit, Kanakakkunnu has become a haven for mangoes, as the National Mango Fest began here on Thursda..
Musical instruments can be expensive and require a large time commitment. But with just 2 spoons, you can tap out complex rhythms. To play the spoons, hold 2 spoons with the curved backs facing each other and rest them on your leg. Position your other han...
BANGALORE: The long pending cabinet expansion to fill vacancies is likely to be taken up by the chief minister next week,K..
Chrome plating is process by which a thin layer of chromium is applied to a metal surface through electroplating (usually on top of a layer of nickel). The ultra-shiny results are decorative, corrosion and tarnish resistant, and very durable. However, chr...
Pictures in print materials enhance the information provided, add visual interest and evoke emotion. Adobe InDesign is a desktop publishing software program that allows users to create a variety of print products. Knowing how to add pictures in InDesign w...
Ingrown hairs are caused when hair grows back in toward the skin, evidenced by a red, sore bump. Most ingrown hairs are easily handled (though they may be bothersome and unsightly) but others can prove to be persistent troublemakers, and even lead to infe...
Two extra months made 'Bheja Fry 2' look even better, says the director
A Pakistani company has expressed interest in importing vehicles from the Tata Group.
Sachin Tendulkar and Priyanka Chopra haven't charged for appearing in the advertisements.
Bal Thackeray's editorial doubts actor's patriotism.
Rio 2016 may be seen as a stamp of approval on Brazil's coming of age.
Blackwill said India may encounter eventual US pressure on Kashmir.
It was reported that Ballack pleaded for the sacking of Luiz Felipe Scolari.
Electrical burns occur when a person contacts an electrical source, such as grounded appliances, and the electricity passes through the person's body. The severity can vary from first- to third-degree burns depending on the amount of time the victim was i...
Blinding a surveillance camera can obscure your identity, but not your presence. A person watching through the camera will be able to tell that you're there, but they won't be able to see what you're doing. You can blind a camera in the dark using a LED,...