Walia, who was also former national vice-president of Kisan Congress, joined the BJP along with Sanjay Kumar, former general secretary of Kisan Congress and P D Jain, President of Delhi Digambar Jain Samaj.
Former Uttarakhand government minister and Congress leader Ramkumar Walia joined the BJP at its Delhi unit office on Friday, a statement said. Walia, who was also former national vice-president of Kisan Congress, joined the BJP along with Sanjay Kumar, former general secretary of Kisan Congress and P D Jain, President of Delhi Digambar Jain Samaj.
BJP's Delhi unit president Adesh Gupta was present on the occasion, the statement issued by the party said. "Walia's mobility and activeness will give strength to Delhi BJP and we will work together in a constructive and positive way to solve the problems of Delhi," Gupta said.
Walia said he was joining the BJP as he was impressed by the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
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