A really exciting time is when you’re trying for a baby. Knowing your ovulation can improve your chances of getting pregnant if you are eager to have a kid and want to start trying soon. The first day of your period and the first day of your subsequent period are considered the first two days of your menstrual cycle. Each month, your ovary releases an egg for fertilisation, which is known as ovulation. It happens roughly two weeks following the start of your cycle. You will therefore likely ovulate on day 14 if your menstrual cycle lasts 28 days. The 17th day of a 31-day menstrual cycle is when ovulation is most likely to take place.
Having intercourse when your fertility is at its highest can increase your chances of getting pregnant. Additionally, you can determine your high fertility window and schedule sex accordingly by paying attention to your body’s indications and signals. Here are a few simple indicators to help you figure out when you are ovulating each month:
Alteration of cervical mucus:
Monitoring your vaginal discharge, also known as cervical mucus, can reveal a lot about your reproductive stage and even general reproductive health. Cervical mucus may be thin or cloudy when you are not in the ovulation period. The mucus’ texture changes to clear and elastic when you are pregnant, though. The sperm can more easily reach the egg with the help of this kind of discharge.
Boost in sex desire:
Yes, your body will inform you when the timing is ripe to get pregnant! Your hormones, such as oestrogen, will rise when you are fertile and close to your ovulation date, increasing your libido (also known as sex desire). This period of elevated sexual desire, according to study, lasts for about six days. It’s also said that when you’re in phase, you’ll feel sexier and draw greater attention from your spouse.
Breast sensitivity:
During a specific time each month, you could notice that your breasts feel painful, sore, achy, or heavier. This can be a sign that your ovulation cycle is about to start. Your oestrogen and luteinizing hormone levels are greater during the ovulation window, and the oestrogen may stimulate the breast tissues, resulting in breast discomfort or soreness. Even after ovulation has ended, progesterone increases and oestrogen decreases, which may result in breast or nipple tenderness.
Cervical position shift:
The cervix, which is located at the top of the vagina, changes over the course of your menstrual cycle. Your cervix will become taller, softer, and more open as ovulation approaches. Cervix position becomes low once ovulation is over, and the cervix gets firmer, dryer, and more closed. At home, ideally after taking a bath or a shower, you can check the position of your cervix. You’ll be able to recognise the changes before and after ovulation with some experience.
Kit for predicting ovulation:
Urine test strips known as ovulation predictor kits can be used to identify impending ovulation. If the test results are good, the body is producing more luteinizing hormone (LH). The egg is released from the ovary as a result of this hormone. You can get ovulation prediction kits in a variety of forms at a pharmacy or online. The drawback is that these might not be effective for those with PCOS, and the outcomes might not always be reliable.
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