Pierce Brosnan Birthday: 10 of Former James Bond's Most Iconic Dialogues That Will Live on Forever
Pierce Brosnan Birthday: 10 of Former James Bond's Most Iconic Dialogues That Will Live on Forever
As former James Bond Pierce Brosnan celebrates his 66th birthday today, we bring you some of his best lines from the popular spy franchise.

James Bond, the world’s most famous spy, is not only known for suave style, cool gadgets, and leaving behind a trail of death and destruction wherever he goes, but also for his savage one-liners aimed at enchanting heroines and menacing villains. And as an actor and former 007 Pierce Brosnan celebrates his 66th birthday today, we bring you some of his best lines from the spy franchise.

Golden Eye( 1995)

1 James Bond: I was wrong about you

Dr. Christmas Jones: Yeah, how so?

James Bond: I thought Christmas only comes once a year.

2 Alec Trevelyan: For England, James?

James Bond: No. For me.

3 M: The prime minister’s talked to Moscow. They’re saying it was an accident during a routine training exercise.

James Bond: Goverments change. The lies stay the same.

Tomorrow Never Dies (1997)

[To Carver before he is killed]

4 James Bond: You forgot the first rule of mass media, Elliot! GIVE THE PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT!

5 James Bond: You were pretty good with that hook.

Wai-Lin: It comes from growing up in a rough neighbourhood.

James Bond: Uh huh.

Wai-Lin: You were pretty good on the bike.

James Bond: Well, that comes from not growing up at all.

The World Is Not Enough (1999)

6 Elektra King: I could have given you the world.

James Bond: The world is not enough.

Elektra King: Foolish sentiment.

James Bond: Family motto.

Die Another Day(2002)

Brosnan’s final performance in the franchise’s 40th anniversary

7 James Bond: Do you believe in bad luck?

Jinx: Let’s just say my relationships don’t seem to last.

James Bond: I know the feeling.

8 Graves: Are you a gambling man Mr. Bond?

James Bond: If the stakes are right.

9 Graves: Ya see Mr. Bond, you can’t kill my dreams. But my dreams can kill you. Time to face destiny.

[James pulls Graves’ parachute cord]

James Bond: Time to face gravity.

10 Miranda Frost: I’ll show you your room.

James Bond: A palace of ice; you must feel right at home.

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