New Pics from the Sets of Marvel's The Eternals Out, Fans Amused
New Pics from the Sets of Marvel's The Eternals Out, Fans Amused
The Eternals is directed by Chloe Zhao and produced by Kevin Feige. New pictures from the sets of the film have surfaced.

It is amusing and breathtaking when comic-book fans get to enjoy beautiful structures and locations in the comics drawn by talented artists relying on their imagination. This amusement grows when fans get to see such locations adapted to live-action. This is something that fans of Marvel's The Eternals are going through after the latest picture from the sets of the film have surfaced. 

The Eternals are characters known for having existed before the humans and played a part in creating them. Such historical characters would also include iconic, historic-looking architecture. While the comics of fulfilled such needs, it seems the film is ready for it as well. A recent tweet shared by an Eternals fan revealed a location from the sets of the film which is referred to as 'Tomb of the Space Gods'. Comicbook fans may feel more excited seeing it as the location was a major part of the first comic featuring The Eternals. 


The Eternals began shooting in July and is currently still on floors. The film boasts an ensemble cast of Angelina Jolie, Richard Madden, Kumail Nanjiani, Lauren Ridloff, Brian Tyree Henry, Salma Hayek, Lia McHugh, Don Lee, Barry Keoghan, Gemma Chan, and Kit Harington.

MCU President Kevin Feige had also stated earlier that The Eternals would also feature the franchise' first openly homosexual character. The actual first gay character seen in the franchise was portrayed by Joe Russo in a cameo in Avengers: Endgame. Justin Hammer portrayed by Sam Rockwell in Iron Man 2 and MCU short film All Hail the King was also hinted at being gay but was never confirmed. 

The Eternals is set to release on November 6, 2020.

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