Work From Home Taking a Toll on Mental Health, Here’s How You Can Handle It
Work From Home Taking a Toll on Mental Health, Here’s How You Can Handle It
The ongoing Coronavirus pandemic has forced many people to work from home, which over the year has taken a toll on people's mental health. Hereare a few ways to handle work pressure better.

Have you ever wondered what could be the full form of WORK. Wonderful Opportunity Real Knowledge is what WORK stands for.

How about making the four words a fun-filled mantra while staying at home and continuing to work?

Think about the wonderful opportunity this pandemic has made way for by opening up the provision to work from the comforts of one’s home.

Spend some real, quality time with your family, loved ones or for that matter yourselves.

By saving the travel time, dodging pollution from traffic emissions, we could focus on what’s more productive and knowledge worthy. Things that you always wished you could do but couldn’t cull out the time for.

Come let’s glance at some highly effective ways that ensure great mental health:

1. Activities to keep depression at bay:

a. Exercise or take a long walk. You can use your stairs as well to workout. Endorphin secreted due to exercising helps you feel happy. Combine your day’s routine with at least 20 minutes meditation.

b. Sleep well. Develop a sleep pattern and stick to it for your mental well-being.

c. Be kind to yourself. Know that it is absolutely alright to feel lonely at times. Don’t be harsh on yourself for feeling. Talk to someone you can trust and seek a professional consultation whenever needed.

2. Demarcate Work Area: Choose a portion of your house and set up a little work station with a table, chair, a few essential stationaries. Basically, something that would take care of your sitting posture, and would help you to distinguish between home and work zone.

This distinction in the mind works wonders for mental health while working from home on a daily basis. Once you create this workspace, you create the option for yourself to leave office space post work.

This way the lingering effect of work pressure can be cut off and you automatically experience peace of mind.

3. Digital Detox: After you decide to shut off from office work, why not try to take time off from digital indulgence as well. You can decide on the duration and time and stick to it. Though technology has immensely aided in bringing people closer, it has also kind of got us addicted to it. We tend to remain glued to mobile even when we have nothing important to do. This encroaches on family time and space. When the work from home pressure has already weighing down, why not try spending time with family, or yourself by taking time off digital indulgence.

4. Follow Pomodoro method:

This is a time management technique which lets you break down tasks, lets you take short breaks by using a timer. Set a timer for 25 minutes and commence work, then take a break as soon as the timer goes off.

5. Virtual meets with colleagues: Get into virtual calls with your coworkers and try to bond over stuff other than work as well. Have lunch together, celebrate birthdays, or little achievements over video calls.

6. Energize your workspace: Infuse your home with a lot of plants and flowers. See that there’s a lot of light and stick positive quotes on your wall.

Work from home, work towards life while doing so.

Follow the mantra:

Don’t be worked up instead of work through it.

Have a W- Wholesome

O- Organized

R- Routine

K- Knowledgeable and kind work from home life.

Keywords: Workout, work pressure, work stress, work from home, work from home pressure,

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