Suffering from Pregnancy Fatigue? These Simple Habits Can Help Tackle it
Suffering from Pregnancy Fatigue? These Simple Habits Can Help Tackle it
Pregnancy fatigue causes tiredness and loss of energy due to the hormonal changes as well as physical and emotional changes for women.

Pregnancy fatigue is one of the earliest symptoms during pregnancy that women face during the first trimester. It keeps nagging throughout most of the nine months until one delivers. Pregnancy fatigue causes tiredness and loss of energy due to the hormonal changes as well as physical and emotional changes that occur during pregnancy. Thus to tackle the fatigue and exhaustion during the pregnancy, you can follow these simple tips.

Sleep for adequate amount of time

It is a must for pregnant women to spend at least 8 hours in bed and take at least 7 hours of sleep every night. One should try going to bed a little earlier than usual days. Even during the day also, to be Mumma should take a short nap of 20 minutes to get revived for the rest of the day.

Listen to Your Body

From the very first day when you came to know about your pregnancy, you should make sure to listen to any signs of the body that it gives you. If you’re feeling fatigued or exhausted, take some rest. Carrying a baby inside your womb takes up a lot of energy, thus it is mandatory for the women to pamper themselves.

Stay Hydrated

One of the major reasons of pregnancy fatigue is dehydration. Thus one should keep themselves hydrated by having an adequate amount of water, juices and other liquids. Pregnant women should drink around eight glasses of water a day to avoid dehydration.

Eat Well

The mother-to-be should eat a healthy, balanced diet which is rich in fresh vegetables, protein and includes good fats (especially omegas 3, 6 and 9), like avocado, salmon, coconut oil, chia seeds and almonds. Nuts and seeds can be used daily snack it provides an extra energy boost.

Eating sugary, processed or junk foods regularly can result in fatigue and can also be harder for the body to digest. One should try cutting out, or reducing the intake of such foods during pregnancy.

Eat Little and Often

Many people eat just three meals a day, but ideally, a pregnant lady should have five or six smaller meals throughout the day. Eating smaller, more frequent meals help in keeping the blood sugar levels stable and prevents dips in energy.

Apart from these, pregnant women are advised to take prenatal vitamins throughout pregnancy with the consultation of the gynaecologist. Exercise can also help in coping up with fatigue as it regulates the blood circulation and reduces the stress level. Even a 20-minute walk could give a much-needed energy boost. Thus including Yoga, and physical exercises are quite effective to tackle the pregnancy fatigue.

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