Mindfulness: Nurture Many Relationships Simultaneously
Mindfulness: Nurture Many Relationships Simultaneously
Help doesn’t always mean that you save someone’s life heroically. Nor is it helping someone with money. Helping can be just taking a little care or doing small things.

When we associate ourselves so much with anything that it becomes impossible to see anything else then this condition starts defining our decisions regarding people around us. We tie ourselves to a single relationship. This can never be beneficial for a healthy mind.

It’s like overlooking the importance of wells and ponds after erecting a dam. The sustenance of the environment can’t be ensured with just one factor. Life and nature coexists, they are not opponents. This kind of problem of dependency on a single person usually doesn’t exist in villages. This is more so in cities. Rules of life are clear but it is up to us how we see them.

Everyday Mindfulness receives messages about deceit, unfaithfulness and moral corruption. When we complain that no one helps in life, we forget that we, too, don’t help others where they need us.

Help doesn’t always mean that you save someone’s life heroically. Nor is it helping someone with money. Helping can be just taking a little care or doing small things. Regular communication and continuous belongingness that could calm one’s mind. We don’t give importance to little efforts because our mind engages in big plans. Big gardens begins with little plants. A long journey starts with a small step.

Look into your life. You will find some hope in your relations. This will reduce the dependency on a single relationship. Life will move ahead with a balanced approach.

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