Diwali 2019: Five Ways to Detoxify Post Festival of Lights
Diwali 2019: Five Ways to Detoxify Post Festival of Lights
Here are a few examples of easy detoxification to help people along post Diwali.

Festive days are the time to forget worries and be merry. Gorging on generous servings of fried flatbreads, a dozen varieties of sweetmeats and every possible delicacy one can get their hands on, during Diwali may be fun, but it does leave one with a more-than-necessary full tummy and a sense of lethargy post-festivities. Post Diwali a lot of us complain of feeling unwell with the botched diet we jumped for finally taking its toll on the human body.

A good detox plan actually goes a long way in bringing back some semblance of good health to the body. It removes toxins, aids in weight loss and strengthens the immune system following some festive fatigue.

Here are a few examples of easy detoxification to help people along post Diwali, according to a report in Times of India:

Quality Sleep: A good quality sleep for a minimum of 7-8 hours can go a long way in letting the body recover and recharge following the festivities.

Exercise: A simple round of walking, cycling or ten minutes on the treadmill could work wonders in helping the body to lose calories and getting back to shape after gorging on sweets during Diwali.

Drink Juice: One of the best ways of ridding the body of toxins post Diwali is by eating a lot of fruits laden with minerals, antioxidants and vitamins. The fibre present in fruits helps eliminate toxins that line up the intestinal walls.

Consume Water: Drinking a lot of water allows the body to flush out the toxins, fats and sugars that had accumulated inside the body through the days of the festival.

Light Diet: Eat edibles which are lighter. Festival food, though delectable are loaded with calories. Eating light foods post festival makes it easier for the system to digest them, giving it more time to return to a state of normalcy.

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