4 Tips To Select The Best Mangoes For Pickle
4 Tips To Select The Best Mangoes For Pickle
Mango pickle is a traditional Indian condiment that uses raw and unripe green mangoes.

Pickles or achaar is one of the most favourite accompaniments in the Indian household. Be it with rice, roti or paratha, pickles add great flavour to a dish. There are various types of pickles – tamarind, lemon, mixed vegetables, garlic and raw mango. Mango pickles are traditionally spicy and tangy. But did you know that to make a mango pickle you need to select a special variety of the fruit only?

Mango Pickle is a traditional Indian condiment that uses raw and unripe green mangoes. It is made with spices and oil. It can be paired with dal rice, dal-roti, jeera rice, stuffed parathas and other breakfast dishes. Due to the diverse range of Indian cuisine, different households prefer making a mango pickle in unique ways. But one of the most important rules of making a mango pickle is selecting mangoes, which have a lot of pulp. So, let’s see what kind of mangoes are needed to choose from the market to make a mango pickle.

How to choose raw mango for a pickle? 

– Keep an eye on the mango peel 

Generally, mangoes used for pickles have thick peels. These mangoes are more sour and enhance the taste of the pickle. Interestingly, storing these mangoes for a long time will not be a problem.

– Check the size of the mango

Mangoes, which are used for pickle are slightly smaller and rounder in comparison to the ripe mangoes.  Also, the colour of mangoes used for pickling is deep green and hard to touch.

– Sniff the mango before you buy

Just from the aroma of a mango, you might be able to tell if the mango is sour or sweet. Take a whiff of the mango. if it smells sweet, then do not buy it.

–  Buy fibrous mangoes

Always make sure to buy mangoes, which are fibrous as it adds an excellent texture to the pickle. If you know any shopkeeper, seek their help in identifying such mangoes.

If you keep these things tips in mind before you buy your mango, your pickle will turn out to be perfectly sour and tangy.

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