The eco box
The eco box

Two-month-old, has eco-friendly goods sourced from certified manufacturers across India, be it maternity tops, vetiver car seats or Organic India health supplements. Choose from Essential Boxes, containing groceries and spices to be delivered to your doorstep every month, and other items including electrical equipment, making the green route easy to take.

Theory of everything

Apart from items, the portal also offers eco-holidays (only in Maharashtra), organic gardening and energy-saving installations. Amritha Dinesh, an engineering graduate, the co-founder reveals, “We are currently testing products. They go through my family, friends and relevant critics before appearing online.” While products like Zeme organic clothing are available at Vanilla Children’s Place and Rustic Art at, we found some exclusive items like the Uravu range of bamboo products (pens, ash trays and laptop stand), among others.

All things green

As with most green entrepreneurs, Dinesh decided on the store when looking for quality organic and eco-friendly products for herself. “After a conversation with an entrepreneur friend, Saloni Malhotra from Desicrew, my dream of having a portal-an easy onestop- shop for sustainable living -turned into a reality,” says the 30-year old. She is also involved with SunGreen Ventilation Systems, a Chennai-based company that pioneered eco-friendly industrial and commercial ventilation systems in India. There is also Green Curve, an eco-friendly self-supported, arched roofing systems company.

By demand

Dinesh, who has also worked as a junior financial analyst and copywriter, claims that their ‘Subscribe a Box Programme’ is probably the first of its kind in India.

The cost-effective service, which promises to free the shopper from tedious trips to stores, delivers a choice of monthly essentials or new products to try out every month. The Grassrootes Eco Holidays is a new endeavour by Maharashtra-based entrepreneurs, which offers rural holidays in Purushwadi and Dehena. Products are priced between `13 and `9,999.



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