Microsoft India in portal combat mode
Microsoft India in portal combat mode
Microsoft India trained law enforcement agencies on technologies to deal with cyber crimes.

New Delhi: With an aim to investigate and reduce online crimes against children, Microsoft India in association with United Nations Office on Drugs and Crimes trained law enforcement agencies on technologies to deal with such issues.

"Online crimes against children are increasing rapidy in countries like India. With technology growing at such a rapid pace, it is critical for law enforcement agencies like ours to be fully equipped to tackle such crimes", CBI Joint Director Administration and Training K Saleem Ali said during the training program.

The training 'Advanced Workshop on Cyber Crimes and Computer Facilitated Crimes Against Children' was conducted for four days from October 9 at the CBI training academy at Ghaziabad.

Microsoft had brought its global experts to train the country's law enforcement agencies, which will help curb the computer facilitated crimes against children.

During the training, the Microsoft experts showcased the use of investigative techniques and tools ranging from malicious software, phishing, Windows vista security enhancements to the methods used in facilitating crimes against children.

"This training program is a key initiative to empower and equip our law enforcers to effectively arrest this social menace. Our collaboration with industry partners and governments worldwide is to implement and deploy effective programs to build technology capacities to enhance internet safety", Microsoft India Chairman Ravi Venkatesan said.

UNODC Representative Gary Lewis said, "with cyber crimes, especially online crimes against children on the rise it is important that we work in partnership with governments across the world to combat this menace.

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