India acquires first US built warship
India acquires first US built warship
India has acquired its first warship from the United States to add punch to its maritime forces.

Washington: India has acquired its first warship from the United States to add punch to its maritime forces.

The acquisition of what is technically known as Landing Platform Dock (LPD)14 is viewed as a significant event in the evolving Indo-US relationship with free and open access to sea considered an important and critical challenge by both navies.

India has also purchased four Mark Eight landing craft and six H-3 Sea King helicopters to operate from the 173-metre-long vessel that has seen action in Somalia, Liberia and Lebanon among other places, landing US troops and rescuing American citizens.

Expected to be formally commissioned into the Indian Navy as INS Jalashva (Sanskrit for seahorse) sometime in May, the Trenton flotilla will undergo retrofitting in the US before it sets sail for Vishakapatnam to join the Eastern Naval Command.

The primary role of the ship is transportation of troops and logistics for amphibious operations using landing craft and aircraft.

The ship is equipped with good sensors, electronics and self defence gun systems. It has a large well deck of the size of two basketball courts that can accommodate four Mechanised Landing Craft (LCM 8) boats. The LCM-8 can carry troops and vehicles from ship to the shore.

The ship's upper and lower vehicle storage areas have significant cargo space for supplies, equipment, tanks and vehicles of an army battalion. It also has accommodation and support infrastructure for 900 troops, evacuees or personnel detachments, besides an eight bed sickbay and dental facilities.

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