Corporation has no place to dump silt
Corporation has no place to dump silt
KOCHI: The Kochi Corporation is facing difficulties in disposing of the silt scooped out of the canals in the city. The silt is of..

KOCHI: The Kochi Corporation is facing difficulties in disposing of the silt scooped out of the canals in the city. The silt is often deposited on the sides to dry and later carried to a vacant site. In West Kochi, the Corporation had been dumping silt near Cochin College and no space is left there. “The silt taken out of  Rameswaram-Kalvathy canal has been dumped near the Fort Kochi government hospital causing problems to the patients and the students of the Fatima Girls School,” People’s Action Council members said. They blamed the authorities for not taking any action to remove the waste even after sending complaints.  According to, T K Ashraf, Health Committee Chairman, “Corporation has not been able to remove the silt due to unfavourable weather. The silt will be removed if it gets two days without rain”.

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