Common threads in pipe bomb, Collectorate blast cases
Common threads in pipe bomb, Collectorate blast cases

The arrest of Senthil Kumar,37, who allegedly planted a pipe bomb on railway track near Piravom railway station, has enlivened the investigation on the Ernakulam district Collectorate blast that occurred in July 2009, sources close to Crime Branch told Express. Though the investigation team did not get any evidence on the direct involvement of Senthil Kumar in the Collectorate blast case, the team has received some crucial information regarding the case.

The officials of the Internal Security Investigation team (ISIT) and Crime Branch, the agencies probing the Collectorate blast case, questioned Senthil Kumar on Saturday evening as the bomb detected on rail track had close similarities with the Collectorate blast case. Pipe bombs were used in both cases and the technology of the bomb making was similar to the use of ammonium nitrate, diesel and detonators.

“We got useful information regarding the investigation. According to the information received from Senthil, we suspect that Santhosh has close links with the perpetrators of the Collectorate blast,” said a higher official in the Crime Branch team.

He added that Santhosh had gathered detonators and ammonium nitrate around six months ago and that points to the possibility that he had some hidden targets rather than helping his friend Senthil for taking revenge on Thomas with whom he had personal grudge.

The investigation is mainly centred on the source from which Santhosh collected explosives and learnt the technology  of bomb-making. According to Crime Branch officials, Santhosh has links with a large circle of people. Meanwhile, the investigation team led by local police is also considering his links with the Dalit Human Rights Movement (DHRM) and other groups.

“We cannot name any organisation right now, however, we suspect the involvement of some organisations including that of terrorist groups. We have not completely relied on the statements of Senthil, as the story of personal grudge is not completely reliable. We hope that picture will be clear once Santhosh is nabbed,” said C Rajagopal, Superintendent  of Police, Kottayam.

A police team led by Pala DySP M Ramesh Kumar also interrogated Senthil and collected evidence.

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