What Does "Unc Status" Mean?
What Does "Unc Status" Mean?
You’ve probably seen people on TikTok calling each other “unc” or saying someone has “unc status.” It’s a lighthearted way of calling someone old, and has its roots in African American Vernacular English. We’ll explain more about what it means, signs someone is an “unc,” how to use the word, its origin, and related slang to keep you up-to-date with online lingo.
Explaining “Unc”

“Unc” Meaning

“Unc” is short for “uncle” and is a way of calling someone old. When you see the word on TikTok or Twitter/X, it’s short for “uncle.” It’s AAVE (African American Vernacular English), and people use it to point out that someone has “uncle vibes,” or certain habits or behaviors that make them seem of a certain age. And not just older, but also a bit eccentric or goofy. Like that one weird uncle you have. People might also say someone has “unc status” to mean the same thing—that they’re giving off uncle vibes. Example: “Jared always shows up to the family gatherings single and with some new expensive accessories. He’s a real unc.” Example: “Yeah Jeff likes to watch 60 Minutes for fun. What an unc.”

Signs Someone Has Unc Status

Someone has “unc status” if they act older than their actual age. We guarantee you know somebody who fits the description. They’re about your age, but they might use weird, outdated words that nobody their age has business knowing. They still listen to the radio. They just spent thousands of dollars on an ugly paint job for their car. The list goes on: They watch old-school TV shows, like M*A*S*H or Family Matters. They grunt whenever they lift something heavy. They grunt when they sit up or stand down. They complain about back or joint pain. They say things like “back in my day” or “my generation…” They don’t know about new artists or musicians. They’re out-of-the-loop with current slang. They have a big, adult job and probably work in an office.

Using “Unc”

Use “unc” or “unc status” to joke about a friend acting too old. Got a friend who seems to be aging comfortably into their elder status, even though they’re only 19? Or maybe they really are just getting plain old. Call them “unc” to let them know that they’re not the young buck they used to be. Example: “Sorry, unc, I’m just too fast for you. Maybe you could’ve taken me 5 years ago.” Example: “Hey unc, you’ve still got your phone from 2015. Time for an update, maybe?”

Use “unc” to talk about your actual uncle. Of course, “unc” can also just be used to talk about your real, actual uncle, even if they don’t necessarily have unc vibes. But they usually have unc vibes. That’s what makes them your uncle. (And that they’re your mom or dad’s brother, of course.) Example: “My unc’s picking me up in 10. We’re getting ice cream.” Example: “How’s it going, unc? Long time no see, how’s Aunt Carol?”

Origin of “Unc”

“Unc” was popularized online by a TikTok from 2021. In June 2021, TikTok user @callmechosen85 uploaded a video with the caption “When You Realize You’ve OFFICIALLY Reached ‘Unc Status…’” featuring someone calling him “unc” in passing, then a shot of him sitting deep in the thought on the sidewalk. The video has gathered 900,000 views, and likely helped bring the term to the internet.

“Unc” was brought into the mainstream by rappers like Gucci Mane. Even before the TikTok’s Gucci Mane used the word “unc” in his 2014 song “On The Way,” and J. Cole used the word in his 2018 song “Brackets.” Artists like these likely helped popularize the word before it reached the internet.

“Unc” is a common word in African American Vernacular English. Keep in mind that “unc” isn’t just a catch-all term for “uncle.” In reality, it has its roots in African American experience and language. Traditionally, it’s been used by African American people to talk about their own family members, and to describe their specific and personal experiences with those family members, which has a lot to do with one’s culture.

Related Slang

Oldhead This is another AAVE term that’s used to refer to an elder, someone with old tastes, or someone who has quite a bit of life experience and now passes it on to the younger generations. Example: “That oldhead Jamie taught me how to fix a car engine.”

Beekeeping age This is a lighthearted term for an older, attractive man. It originated from the animated comedy show Rick and Morty, in a scene where two characters admire an older man who’s keeping bees. Example: “I’m tired of immature guys. I want a man who’s beekeeping age.”

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