What Does Angel Number 3322 Mean?
What Does Angel Number 3322 Mean?
Angel numbers are said to be messages from your guardian angel or a higher power as they try to help you along in your life. The angel number 3322 has strong ties to creativity, imagination, and relationships, so don’t ignore it! We spoke to numerologists and psychics alike to help you decode what this angel number means for your spirituality, love, career, and more.
Things You Should Know
  • 3322 often appears as a reminder to trust your instincts, go with your gut, and not regret your decisions.
  • Angel number 3322 can also be a powerful conduit for creativity and inspiration, lending you new energy for your artistic pursuits.
  • 3322 can indicate new and passionate romance, or come as a sign that it’s time to work on fostering your own independence.

Spiritual Meaning of 3322

Angel number 3322 urges you to trust your instincts. Numerologist and life strategist Michelle Arbeau says, “The 2 is the number of intuition, sensitivity, [and] peace.” Double twos are often a sign to follow your intuition when it comes to things like life, love, and creativity. If you’ve got a difficult choice looming, trust your gut and know that whatever you choose, you’ll come away with no regrets.

3322 stokes your creativity and drive. Numerologist Michelle Arbeau also says that “3 is symbolic of the imagination, inspiration and memory.” Doubled threes tend to appear as powerful imaginative sparks, signaling the beginning of a new creative pursuit. You may find yourself inspired to start a new project or art piece, or to make new and healthy changes to your lifestyle.

Love & Relationships

3322 might mean that love is coming your way. Double twos often suggest coming together, or uniting. When it comes to love, that’s a powerful sign that you may be about to enter a strong and lasting relationship, with someone new or someone who’s already in your life. If you’re already in a relationship, 3322 could be a sign that your relationship is about to become even stronger through communication or giving a little extra affection.

3322 may encourage more independence in your relationship. Numerologist Michelle Arbeau says that “2 is dualistic and is considered both codependent (negative) and independent (positive).” You or your partner may be leaning on each other a bit too much, causing stress or irritation, and it may be time to look for a little space. Avoid codependency by fostering your own hobbies or going places without your partner now and then, like to a fitness class or even to a restaurant to have a meal by yourself.


Angel number 3322 predicts positive career changes. Numerologist Michelle Arbeau says, “As an optimistic energy representing unity, the [multiple threes] say finances are unifying and coming together in a positive way.” You might get a raise or even a promotion soon! Or you might land that job you’ve been hoping for, or even simply come into some unexpected money. Whatever the case, your finances could be about to get a boost.


3322 helps you manifest your ideal reality. Numerologist Michelle Arbeau says that the number 3 “is responsible for how and what we manifest in terms of creating our reality.” 3322 can be a powerful aid when manifesting the life you want, lending you its energy and creative abilities. Manifest your desire by visualizing what you want—love, success, money, etc.—then take small steps to realize it. For example, if you want a new career, envision the job you want, then update your resume.

Twin Flames

Angel number 3322 indicates you’re about to meet your twin flame. Your twin flame is your other half that arrives to teach you something about yourself. Since 3322 often represents unity and creation, it may suggest that you’re about to meet your twin flame! Recognize your twin flame by the way they make you feel—like you’re looking in a mirror at another you.


3322 combines a master number with a creative number. Numerologist Michelle Arbeau explains that 22 is the “master builder” number in numerology, and that it “is clearly telling you to follow your heart, your inner voice, your intuition…in order to build and physically manifest into reality, the love life and relationship you desire.” The 22 pairs with a double 3. Three is often the number of creativity, inspiration, or intuition. Together, they signify new creations that rely on your own skill and talents.

Biblical Meaning

3322 in the Bible urges you to renew your faith. Psalm 33:22 says, “May your unfailing love be with us, Lord, even as we put our hope in you.” This is powerful message that tells you to live by faith and to trust that God has a plan for you, even when things seem difficult. This psalm also encourages you to be grateful for God’s unconditional love, and to know that he’s always with you. Psychic medium Mari Cartagenova adds that 3 “is associated with The Trinity, and so, the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost” and says it might suggest that you’re spiritually protected.

What do Do When You See 3322

Take note of where and when you see 3322. Angel numbers come to deliver a particular message, and that message often comes in a relevant time and place. When you see 3322, take a moment to write down what you were doing, then think about what the number might be telling you. For example, if you see $33.22 while making a purchase, it could be a sign that that purchase will lead you to new creative possibilities.

Learn to listen to your instincts. Since 2 is the number of intuition and spiritual sensitivity, now’s the time to foster those skills. Develop your intuition so that when the time comes to make a tough choice with no easy answers, you know you can trust your gut. Start by journaling or meditating, looking within yourself and asking: what do you value? What are you good at? What parts of yourself can you trust?

Get in touch with your creative side with hobbies and art. 3 is the number of imagination and creativity. Take advantage of this angel number’s constructive energy to dive into a creative project, whether that’s a new piece of visual art, writing, or music. You might surprise yourself with what you create! Or, stoke your creative side simply by spending time with friends and family. It might not seem obvious, but this helps to build your communication and collaboration skills.

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