How to Work Out with a Hernia
How to Work Out with a Hernia
Hernias are a serious condition, but you don’t have to put your exercise routines on hold if you have one. While it’s always best to consult with a doctor or medical professional first, there are plenty of ways you can stay in shape while managing a hernia. Don’t worry—we’ve answered all your frequently asked questions, so you can stay safe and healthy during your workouts.

Can you exercise with an abdominal hernia?

Yes, you definitely can. Perform workouts that don’t put a lot of strain on your abdomen, like basic aerobics, breathing exercises, and glute bridges. To be extra cautious, work with a doctor or exercise physiologist as you plan out your exercise routines.

What exercises are safe to do with a hernia?

Basic cardio exercises are safe to do. Running and dancing are considered safe, as are yoga and water aerobics. Recumbent bike workouts are also safe, since they provide a lot of support as you exercise. Don’t do any dance moves that involve a lot twisting—these can create extra strain. Always talk to your doctor first if you aren’t sure about a certain exercise.

Are squats safe to do?

Some squats are safe. Medical experts agree that body weight squats are perfectly safe while you have a hernia. However, don’t lift weights during your squats, as this can create extra strain on your body.

Can you do push-ups with a hernia?

No, you shouldn’t do push-ups. Medical experts don’t recommend doing exercises that require a lot of pushing, like push-ups or shoulder presses.

What other exercises should I avoid?

Avoid strenuous or demanding workout routines. Experts advise against heavy weight-lifting, which can put extra strain on your body. Workouts that require a lot of pulling, like oblique twists and pull-ups, or activities that require a lot of punching or kicking, like wrestling, aren’t a good idea, either.

Can I exercise after having hernia surgery?

Yes, but there are some limitations. During the first 6 weeks, focus on exercises that don’t create a lot of pressure on your abdomen, like walking. Stay away from strenuous exercises that could create extra pressure around your abdomen, like sit-ups, Pilates, heavy weightlifting, and swimming.

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