Try to defuse the situation. Even if the person is being a jerk, getting into a fight with them will only cause you trouble. If you win, you will still get kicked out of the bar and could face criminal charges. If you lose, you could wind up in the hospital. Do your best to talk your potential opponent out of a physical confrontation, even if it means admitting you were partly responsible. Bar fights are simply not worth the cost.
Seek help. Bartenders and bouncers don't want a fight any more than you do. Send a friend to get help if you can, and attempt to inch towards the nearest bouncer. There is also the possibility of making his friends see reason if your opponent won't.
When you suspect that the fight is really going to happen, assume a defensive stance. Lean forward towards the attacker and position your hands by your face. You won't look like you are in a fighting stance but you will be ready for the coming attack.
Having exhausted all other options, act decisively. If someone makes a move to hit you, the best thing you can do is beat them to the punch. This does not mean you should go around hitting people every time you feel threatened. However, in a situation where you are truly afraid for your safety, it is best to show that you are serious about protecting yourself. Most individuals who want to push a fight are looking for easy prey. One person who is willing to inflict harm can be effective against a number of 'huff and puff' guys. Do bear in mind that violence of this sort is often illegal and should be avoided whenever possible.
Keep hitting until you feel you are safe. Once you commit to fighting back, keep doing so until you perceive no more threat. When your opponent is asking you to stop and their friends have scattered, only then should you wind down.
Know that most bar fights never evolve into much. Often only a few blows are ever thrown before bouncers swarm in to remove the offenders from the establishment.
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