How to Make a Den for a Mother Dog and Her Puppies
How to Make a Den for a Mother Dog and Her Puppies
The den where the mother dog has the puppies and then takes care of the litter is important. It needs to be comfortable, secure, and safe. To create a cozy den for the litter, choose a proper whelping box, keep it warm, change the bedding often, and place soft nesting materials inside it.

Setting Up the Whelping Box

Obtain a whelping box. You can either buy a whelping box or build one. You can find whelping boxes for sale at pet stores and online. Make sure to choose a whelping box that is big enough for your dog to stretch out and lie down in, but small enough that the puppies can’t get too far away from the mother. Make sure the walls are high enough to keep the puppies in and prevent drafts. There should be a door or lowered area that is at a height where the mother dog can step over it. You should make sure the whelping box has rails along the sides to protect the puppies. You can also build a whelping box. Make sure it still has all the features of one you would buy.

Create a den out of other materials. If you don’t want to build or buy a whelping box, you can create a den using boxes, crates, or even kiddie pools. You need an enclosed space that is big enough for the mother dog to stretch out in, but that is small enough to keep the puppies close to the mother and each other. You can use half of a crate without the top or a box with a small door area cut into it low enough for the mother to step over. Make sure the edges are high enough so the puppies cannot get out, but low enough that the mother can step out of the box easily.

Place the whelping box in a secluded location. Since your dog will want to keep the puppies protected and safe, you should build their den in a relatively private area in your home. This may be in a quiet unused room, a spare bathroom, or a garage. The room should be away from the normal foot traffic of your family or roommates. The area for the den should be in a place where other pets cannot get to it.

Ensuring the Litter’s Safety

Keep the den warm. One of the most important things that you can do for the litter is to keep the den warm. The puppies have to stay at a constant warm temperature, roughly 86 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit. This is especially important with smaller breeds. To help with this, place a heat source in the box. You should also place make the den in a draft-free, warm area. Try a covering heating pad. Just make sure that it is not set at too high of a temperature. There have been cases where the puppies have cooked or gotten burned on a heating pad. Place the heating pad under the box, under the bedding material so the dogs won’t be lying directly on them. The heating pad shouldn’t cover the entire bottom of the box so the dogs can move away from the source of heat. You may want to use a heating lamp. If you are doing this, place it far enough above the box that the mother cannot hit her head. Six feet above the box is generally good. Position it over one corner so the mother or puppies can move away if they get too hot.

Change the bedding often. Another way to keep your litter’s den comfortable is to keep it clean. The bedding and materials should be changed right after the birth. Then, it should be changed daily to clean up any mess from the puppies eliminating on the bedding or the mother shedding fetal tissues and fluids. Place clean newspaper in the box if you are using that. Lay down blankets that have been washed.

Place a security bar in the box if it is a large breed. If your dog is a larger breed, you should build security bars along the edge of the whelping box. These security bars should be tall and deep enough for a puppy to crawl under to get away from the mother so they don’t get stepped or rolled on. Security bars help prevent puppies who get in the corner or pushed outside of the litter group from getting crushed or suffocated on accident.

Making the Den Comfortable

Drape a blanket over the den. Dogs prefer that their litters be in a dark, secluded spot. This helps them feel safe and protected. If the whelping box is too exposed, the mother dog may try to move her puppies to a more secluded spot. To prevent this, put a blanket over the box. The blanket makes the dog feel less exposed and more protected from everything that is outside.

Provide plenty of materials for a nest. The mother dog will want to build a nest as she prepares for birth and after the puppies arrive. To give her the proper materials, line the bottom of the whelping box with newspaper or welding mats. These things will be easy for the mother to shred. These materials can easily be changed daily, so you can keep the den clean. They also will absorb any fluids.

Place pillows and blankets inside the den. You want to make the den as comfortable and cozy as possible for the mother and her puppies. To do this, you can place soft blankets, quilts, and pillows inside the box to provide and comfortable living area. If you are using pillows, make sure they are washable. If not, you will need to toss them out and replace them when they get dirty. Keeping pillows, blankets, and quilts clean is essential to keep the litter healthy.

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