How to Know if You're Cosmically Connected
How to Know if You're Cosmically Connected
Everything in the universe is connected, and so are the people we meet. When you experience a cosmic connection, these people come into your life to help you learn and grow. Whether that’s personally or spiritually, their insight can change the course of your life. They can help inspire, motivate, and change your worldview. To learn more about cosmic connections and the signs you have one, keep reading!
Things You Should Know
  • A cosmic connection is a bond you share with another person that encourages personal and spiritual growth. They aim to give you the necessary life lessons you need.
  • You may share a cosmic connection when you're immediately drawn to each other and share similar values, morals, life goals, and perspectives.
  • When you're with a cosmic connection, you feel like you can be yourself, communicate effectively, and support one another through life's hurdles.

What is a cosmic connection?

A cosmic connection is a shared bond encouraging personal and spiritual growth. Have you ever felt like fate brought you closer to someone? It could be fate or destiny, or it could be the universe. The universe has its way of bringing people, places, and things together in due time. With a cosmic connection, the same is true, although these connections can be positive or negative in familial, romantic, or platonic relationships. These experiences serve as inspirations or challenges in your life, and their sole purpose is to give you the necessary lessons needed to learn and grow from. Not all fated connections are meant to last a lifetime, even if we want them to. However, through the experience, you may learn what type of love you’re willing to accept or what boundaries you’ll need to set in future relationships. A fated connection can become a permanent fixture in your life. These folks have your back every step of the way. It may not always be a smooth ride, but you'll learn and grow together. In these cases, a cosmic connection can become a cosmic soulmate or a cosmic love.

Signs You’re Cosmically Connected

You're immediately drawn to each other Have you ever met someone and instantly felt like they were meant to be in your life? You may share similar attitudes, belief systems, and interests, which makes conversation flow naturally. This experience happens often in movies; some may call it love at first sight, but a cosmic connection doesn't always have to be romantic. When talking to someone, the quality of conversation and feelings of connection are closely related. So, when a positive interaction happens, you'll likely maintain a connection with this person.

You share many similarities When it comes to a cosmic connection, you share similar beliefs, values, and morals. However, you can also have commonalities when it comes to hobbies and interests, too. You always find yourself saying, "Same!" or "Me too!" when they share new insights about themselves. Even if you don't always align, you always express interest and value the other person's hobbies or interests. It's a common experience that friends share personality traits, interests, and opinions. In some cases, they can share similar brain waves, too!

You can be yourself around them When you're around your cosmic connection, you don't have to change your appearance or how you talk; you can whole-heartedly be yourself. Your connection creates a safe space for you to breathe and feel free.

You have effective communication habits When you need to talk about something bugging you, you can talk to your cosmic connection in a healthy, natural way. You don't have to second guess yourself because they know where you're coming from. You both practice healthy communication habits by actively listening to each other, asking thoughtful questions, and making each other feel heard.

They're an influential figure in your life Unlike spiritual connections, where a connection can be short-term, cosmic connections are often parents, teachers, mentors, or other influential figures who inspire and challenge you. They're people who feel like permanent fixtures in your life, even if that's not always true. A cosmic connection can leave you, but there's a lesson waiting for you in their absence.

They're not afraid to challenge you The purpose of a cosmic connection is to help you learn and grow, and that can't always happen without a good challenge. This person isn't afraid to push you to overcome obstacles in your life or question your line of thinking to open you to new perspectives. Sometimes, they can push too hard, but it's always from a place of good intention because they want to see you succeed.

You share similar values and morals Shared core values, beliefs, and morals are an early sign of a cosmic connection. It allows you to view life from the same perspective and, in some cases, may represent a shared life goal. In this case, you can encourage each other to reach your goals and dreams. You may not agree with every little thing, but you both deeply understand and respect one another.

They teach you life lessons It may be a love turned sour or healing from past traumas through love, but a cosmic connection will teach you the lessons you need the most. It may be a challenging journey. Still, when you walk out from the other side, you'll recognize the value of your shared relationship. In the case of a toxic relationship, you may decide to be the one who leaves, and that's okay. You're doing the right thing for you, and through time, the other person may come around to realize their behaviors weren't right and work on themselves.

You inspire personal and spiritual growth in each other As a cosmic connection, you understand the value of encouraging people along their journey, whether that's personally or spiritually. You're able to discuss hardships and celebrate the milestones together. Part of growing and healing is being able to self-reflect. Your cosmic connection encourages spiritual practices such as meditation or yoga to promote self-reflection. They may even be willing to do it with you!

They remind you who you truly are When caught up in the pressures and responsibilities of life, it can be easy to lose sight of who you are and what you want. Your cosmic connection is one of your biggest supporters. They can act as an accountability buddy to keep you on track to achieving your life goals. Your cosmic connection typically shares a similar goal, and the accountability exchange can benefit both of you. If your life goal is to move into an apartment or house, you could meet weekly to review finances to ensure you're progressing well.

They empower you to be the best version of yourself At the end of the day, your cosmic connection wants you to become the best version of yourself. They're there to give you a helping hand when you need it and keep you on track with your goals.

Key Takeaways

Being cosmically connected can change how you navigate the world. Think about every hurdle you’ve overcome or every happy memory you reflect upon; each has shaped you into who you are today. The same is true for the people who come into your life. When the universe introduces you to someone new, think about how they have the power to help you learn something new about yourself and the world. You’ll never know what you might find.

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