Evening out Your Height Difference
Bend down slightly to meet your partner's lips if you're taller than them. An easy way to even out the height difference is for the taller partner to bend down while the shorter person angles their face up towards them. If you do this and you're the taller partner, support the back of your partner's head to make sure their neck doesn't start aching. Looking up at someone for a long period of time can be uncomfortable.
Stand on your tiptoes if you're the shorter one. If you're just a little shorter than your partner, standing on your tiptoes could be enough to reach their lips. If there's a big height difference between you and you're shorter than your partner, you might also need to stand on your tiptoes while your partner bends to meet your lips.
Use your surroundings to even out the height difference. Look for something in your environment that can help you and your partner get closer together. This could be a fixture of the building or street, such as a staircase or a ledge, or it could be a piece of furniture, such as a barstool or footstool. For example, you could stand on a ledge, stool, or stair to get some extra height if you're shorter. If you're taller, step down to a lower stair or off the curb.
Wear shoes with heels or lifts if you're shorter than your partner. If you're the shorter person, then you might consider wearing shoes with heels or getting some height-enhancing insoles to even out the difference. You can wear high heels, boots with heels, wedges, or even sneakers with heels. You can also purchase “lifts” which are height-enhancing insoles that go inside of your shoes. Celebrities often wear lifts to make themselves look taller.
Sit on a chair together so it's easier to kiss. Another option is to find a sofa or chair, have the taller person sit down, and then sit on their lap if you're shorter than them. It will be easier to kiss if you're both sitting in a chair together. Make sure that the furniture you sit on is sturdy enough to support both of you. Breaking a chair or falling out of it might not be the most romantic scenario. Tip: Laying next to your partner will also even out the height difference, but it's okay if you're not comfortable doing this yet.
Trying Creative Kissing Positions
Dip the person back and hold them while you kiss if they're shorter. For an ultra-sexy kiss that is easy to achieve, the taller partner can dip the shorter partner back so that they're almost parallel to the ground and support them with their arms while kissing them. Be careful not to strain your back when you do this. Brace your core muscles and use your legs to support your weight. If you're the taller partner, hold your partner around their waist and back to support them. If you're the shorter partner, wrap your arms around the person's neck for extra support.
Jump into their arms if you're shorter and they can support you. If you're short and your partner is strong enough, jump into their arms so that your faces are level, or wrap your legs around your partner's waist and kiss them from above. Make sure to warn your partner before you try to jump into their arms if you're shorter than them! If you're the taller partner, you could also try spinning the other person around as an extra romantic way to kiss them.
Kiss them somewhere else when you want to show affection. You don't always need to kiss the person on the lips or even on their face to show affection. If you're short than your partner, try kissing them on the hand or shoulder. If you're taller than them, you could plant a kiss on the top of their head or bring their hand up to your mouth and plant a kiss on it. Tip: Try creating your own special way of showing affection that you and your partner can share when you can't kiss, such as squeezing your partner's hands in a special way.
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