How to Become a Prodigy
How to Become a Prodigy
Being a prodigy means you have natural talent at something you've never tried, or more commonly, have developed an extraordinary skill over time. Becoming a prodigy requires a great deal of hard work and dedication. Work on building a skill set, working on building an autodidactic mindset, and getting rid of bad habits that inhibit your mental strength.

Building Your Skills

Pursue your passions. If you want to become a prodigy, you'll need to pursue your passions. If you decide to work in a field that fascinates you, you're more likely to be motivated to develop the skill set necessary to becoming a prodigy. What inspires and fascinates you? What has always been interesting to you, ever since childhood? If you start with a field you already have some knowledge and interest in, you'll have a head start in developing the skills of a prodigy. Do you already have some skills due to hobbies? Do you sketch casually? Play the piano on the weekends? If you choose to work on a skill you're already somewhat proficient at, your practice will be of higher quality.

Practice. There is no quick and easy way to develop the skills necessary to become a prodigy. You'll simply need to practice as much as possible. Focus when you practice. Keep your mind in the here and now. All you need to do is complete this one skill in this one moment. Do not let your mind wander to other things during practice sessions. Incorporate practice into your day-to-day life. Make time for practicing in your schedule as you would brushing your teeth at night or showering in the morning.

Have confidence. People are often controlled by fear. If you fear failure or mediocrity, this can hold you back from developing new skills and pursuing your passion. Try to have confidence in yourself at all times. Be confident, bold, and willing to try new things even if you'll sometimes fail in the process. Fearing failure or less than perfect results will only hold you back as you attempt to become a prodigy.

Find a good teacher. You cannot achieve the talents of a prodigy without guidance. Find the best teacher possible if your goal is to become a prodigy. How you find the right teacher depends greatly on the skill set you're working to build. If you want to be a writing prodigy, for example, consider applying for a top-tier Master of Fine Arts program, such as the Iowa Writer's Workshop, in order to gain access to great teachers. If you want to be a ballet prodigy, look into prestigious dance schools. You do not necessarily need to look into higher education to find a great teacher. You can also simply connect with people in your field through networking and socialization. If you're interested in filmmaking, for example, attend a film festival and try to meet directors and producers. Introduce yourself and try to make a good impression. You can find contacts and mentors at these events.

Changing Your Mindset

Learn constantly. People who become prodigies are open to learning throughout their lives. Look for opportunities to learn, grow, and change everywhere you go. This can help you develop the skills necessary to becoming a prodigy. Stay humble. Humility is key to learning. No matter what successes you have professionally, keep in mind there is always more to learn in your field. Keep pursuing higher levels of mastery and education. Develop an autodidactic attitude. Spend your free time reading up on your chosen field, practicing your craft, and working on developing new skills. Look for opportunities to learn around you. If you want to become a musical prodigy, attend every concert you can and listen to the music actively. Pay attention to technique, performance, melody, rhythm. If you want to be a poet, go to poetry readings and pay attention to the use of symbolism and language.

Work on improving your memory. Prodigies tend to have exceptional memories. If you want to become a prodigy, take steps to improve your memory. Repeat and write down new information. When you meet someone, say their name in your head when you shake their hand. When trying to remember a snippet of information, jot it down in a notebook or on a piece of paper. Also, seek to understand any information you record. It's very hard to recall information you do not understand. Reduce your overall level of stress. Being stressed out can cause lapses in memory. Take breaks at work. Practice meditation. Do relaxing activities, like reading a book or watching TV, at the end of long days to help reduce stress. Always do new things. This can challenge your brain and increase your memory. Take a different route to work in the morning. Make an effort to meet new people. Try to read a new essay, book, or poem every day.

Be empathetic. Some studies indicate prodigies tend to be more altruistic than the average person. Working on developing your overall empathy can help you build the skills necessary to becoming a prodigy. Pay attention to the welfare and interests of those around you. You can't just empathize with someone. You need to empathize about something. Make a genuine effort to know those around you. Know their stories, personal interests, and what drives them. Try to understand their emotions as best you can. Suspend your own judgements and critiques when talking to someone new. When talking to someone about their problems, do not focus on how to fix things or how that person might better him or herself. Just listen and try to understand and empathize with his or her story. Pay attention to shared human values. Try to contextualize unfamiliar emotions in the frame of common values. For example, everyone knows losing a loved one is difficult. However, if you're not an animal lover you may not understand people's emotional response at losing a pet. You can try to understand their reaction by reminding yourself that, to this person, a pet constitutes an important relationship in life. By connecting on the grounds of a shared emotion, you can empathize.

Focus on putting out your best work. Focus on creating your personal best with each new project or new endeavor. Tune out outside ambitions, such as fame and fortune, and just focus on producing your personal best each time. If you try your best over and over again, you'll eventually begin to improve. This can help you develop the skills of a prodigy.

Changing Your Lifestyle

Exercise. Exercising regularly can help improve your memory, aiding to your ability to develop the skill set of a prodigy. Try to move for at least 20 minutes a day. Take a walk each night. Ride your bike to work. Get a stress ball and bounce it around your office for 20 minutes a day. Simple, regular physical activity can greatly improve your memory and overall skills.

Eat right. Eating a balanced diet can help you develop the skill set necessary to becoming a prodigy. Adequate nutrition helps care for your mind as well as your body. Make sure to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, as well as high quality proteins like those found in fish and poultry. Eat dairy in moderation and incorporate high quality carbohydrates into your diet, like those found in whole wheats and whole grains.

Stay away from alcohol and tobacco. Alcohol and tobacco can affect the memory. They can also affect the sleep schedule, and poor sleep can affect your overall performance and memory. Try to stick to drinking in moderation, which means only one to two drinks a night. If you're a smoker, talk to your doctor about quitting. In addition to affecting your memory, smoking can cause a variety of other health problems.

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