Give him a ‘homecoming date” coupon.
Ask him out by telling him you’re available. On a piece of paper, write “One free homecoming date” and sign your name. Hand it over to him and tell him that he’s just won a date with you! This is a fun way to ask someone out that you already know and goof around with.
Decorate his locker.
Set up a surprise for him when he gets his textbooks. Before school, grab a posterboard and some markers and write “Homecoming?” in all caps. Tape the sign to his locker and then wait nearby for him to approach. When he sees the sign, head over and ask him the question again in person. Since it’s early in the morning, you could hand him a coffee or a pastry as you ask the question.
Buy him a box of donuts.
Write “I donut want to go to homecoming without you” on the box. Hand him the donuts and then ask him if he wants to go with you. If he does, you can both grab a sweet treat! You could also ask the bakery to spell out “homecoming?” on the donuts in frosting.
Get some chocolate dipped strawberries.
Write a note that says, “I’d be berry happy if we went to homecoming.” Hand him the chocolate strawberries and the note as you pop the question. He can enjoy some delicious strawberries as you plan your date! If you can’t find chocolate dipped strawberries, normal ones are fine too.
Write it on his car.
Get some window paint and head out to his car during lunch. Write “Homecoming?” on the back window, and make sure to sign your name! When he comes outside after school, wait nearby so he can see your homecoming masterpiece. Make sure you use window paint that’s made specifically for cars! Regular paint could mess up his windows for good.
Ask him with a pizza.
Order a cheese pizza from your favorite pizza spot. On the inside of the box, write, “Will you be my date to homecoming? Or is this too cheesy?” Have him open the box for a fun (and delicious) surprise. If he says yes, you two can sit and eat the pizza together!
Use sports lingo.
If he’s involved in sports, he’ll love the extra effort. Use a green poster and draw white lines on it to make a football field. Then, write “I’ve got a game plan: homecoming?” on it to pop the question. Wait outside after a practice or a game to ask him out! You can do this for any sport! Just switch up the color of the poster board to match whichever playing field he’s on.
Gift him a box of tacos.
Write “Let’s taco bout homecoming” on the box. When he opens it up, he’ll be delighted with delicious tacos and a fun homecoming date proposal. The best part is that he gets to chow down on a meal with you after he answers. This is a great option if he doesn’t have a sweet tooth but you still want to ask him using food.
Ask him with a pack of highlighters.
If he’s a little nerdy, he’ll love this proposal. Attach a note to the highlighters that says, “It would be the highlight of my year to go to homecoming with you.” Hand them over to him to see what he says! Try getting a large variety pack with tons of different colors.
Fill up a fish bowl.
Put candy and snacks inside of an empty fish bowl. On the outside, write, “Out of all the fish in the sea, will you go to homecoming with me?” Hand over the gift to see what he says. You could even add a fish stuffed animal to really sell the theme.
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