Aries Woman: The Basics
Aries women are passionate forces of nature. It's befitting that Aries is a fire sign, because Aries women are trailblazers. Driven by a passion to succeed, she's on a mission of continual self-improvement and adventure—and she'd love to take you along for the ride (as long as you can keep up with her). Symbol: the ram Element: fire Modality: cardinal Ruling planet: Mars Famous Aries women: Diana Ross, Lady Gaga, Emma Watson, Jayne Mansfield, Aretha Franklin, Bette Davis, Maisie Williams, Norah Jones
Aries Woman Strengths
She's a passionate go-getter. If there's one way an Aries woman does things, it's intensely. She brings 100% to everything she does—if she's in, she's all in. You never have to worry about an Aries woman phoning it in or faking it. Underneath all that passion, though, she's actually pretty down-to-earth. She knows that people find her intimidating and thinks that's more amusing than anything else.
She has an inspirational zest for life. You might say the ram's horns symbolize how an Aries woman grabs life by the horns and you wouldn't be too far off. She dives into everything with a boundless energy and enthusiasm that's downright contagious. It's this enthusiasm that can make her such a great leader. People seem to naturally follow her because she's so fearless in pushing forward.
She's driven to crush her goals. The typical Aries woman defines "goal-driven." She has plans and she will achieve anything she sets her mind to. As a cardinal sign, she's the first to volunteer and loves to take the lead and set the pace. She's not one to rest on her laurels either. Once she's achieved one goal, she doesn't let the sun set on her success before she's out in pursuit of the next big thing.
She's always up for a challenge. "Aries is ruled by the planet Mars, the god of war, so any way to get their aggression out is where you will find Aries," Garbis notes. Whatever she sets her mind to, she sets out to conquer and be the best at. "They may be playing video games, practicing MMA, watching or participating in sports," Garbis continues. "Other ways to channel this energy can be seen in creative or competitive pursuits, acting, singing, theater, public speaking, social media." As soon as she's mastered one thing, she's likely ready to move on to something else—and she loves trying new things as well.
She's confident and willing to take risks. The typical Aries woman really believes in herself. She knows she has what it takes to accomplish whatever she sets out to do. Because of that confidence, she shrugs off risks that would give most people pause. An Aries woman is the type of woman who loves when someone tells her she can't do something or that she's unlikely to succeed at something. The more the odds are not in her favor, the more interested an Aries woman becomes. This boldness and willingness to take risks shines through in her fashion choices as well.
Challenges Aries Woman Faces
She can come across as self-centered. "Aries are into themselves," Garbis shares. "Whatever they like about themselves, or their adopted persona at the time, is what they are into." This is really because of her intensity. Her passion is so all-encompassing that she has little room for anything else. If you're an Aries woman, remember that the people around you have their own lives, interests, and perspectives. Seeking out those other perspectives helps you stay open-minded and grounded.
She can be a little too competitive. "I wouldn't advise becoming a competitor to Aries and trying to do everything that they do," Garbis cautions. "Be a spectator or do something to compliment them. Be their favorite fan or collaborator and cheer them on and they will love and adore you." Once you trigger her competitive mode, though, watch out. Her only goal is to win and you might be in trouble if you're in her way because she can become an unstoppable force.
She has an explosive temper. "You do not want to get into an argument with an Aries woman," Eyedealism warns, "which is very easy to do." All fire signs are somewhat notorious for their anger, and Aries is just as explosive as any other. An Aries woman also tends to be pretty easily triggered. Fortunately, her fire burns hot, fast, and clean. When it's out, it's out for good and the air smells oddly fresh and new. She doesn't hold grudges, nor is she going to bring something up again days or weeks later. What's done is done, in her mind. No sense in continuing to stew about it—just say your piece and move on.
Aries Woman in the Workplace
An Aries woman feels driven to lead. As the first sign in the zodiac, she's a born starter. She has the passion and persistence to dig in and get any project off the ground running. Her can-do attitude and strong work ethic make her an asset in any industry. Aries women are drawn to careers that constantly allow them to test their capabilities and push their limits. Because they're ultra-competitive, Aries women are often attracted to the corporate world or to careers in law or finance.
Aries Women in Relationships
An Aries woman is fiercely independent. She needs her space in a relationship and would prefer to do her own thing. If you need a lot of reassurance in relationships, an Aries woman might not be the best match for you. This doesn't mean you won't know if she's into you or not. Aries women "have a natural courageousness to tell you how they feel," Garbis explains. "They cannot hold things back or keep things secret for very long." She's direct, but she's typically not one for a lot of touchy-feely romance and clinginess. Hold her too tightly and she'll likely feel suffocated.
She views a relationship as an adventure. In keeping with her independent streak, the Aries woman sees a relationship as a thrilling journey the two of you are taking together. She's always up for a challenge and loves trying new things, so she finds the uncertainty of the future exciting and full of promise. She's always changing and growing, reaching for the next thing. If you're interested in something long-term with her, you'll need to be able to keep up with her.
She's fiercely protective of those she loves. The phrase "ride or die" might've been coined to describe an Aries woman. She's as loyal as they come and if someone she loves is threatened, her claws will come out. This doesn't mean she's going to keep you on a tight leash—she's not controlling in that way (unless, perhaps, you want her to be). She is, however, quick to come to your defense. You don't have to worry about fighting anything alone with an Aries woman in your corner.
She can have a fiery temper. "If an Aries is fighting with you, then they fiercely love you," Garbis explains, "but may need to find better ways to understand or express it." She's passionate about everything, and that passion can boil over in some pretty dramatic ways. At the same time, "Aries forgives and forgets so easily and so quickly," Garbis notes. So while she might explode, it'll be over before you know it and she'll act like it never happened.
Aries Woman Compatibility
Aries women are most compatible with air signs and fellow fire signs. Fire signs (Leo, Sagittarius, and fellow Aries) might be the best matches for Aries women because they naturally share core values and understand each other on an intuitive level. Aries women are also drawn to air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) because air and fire have a natural synergy so their personalities tend to complement each other. When it comes to two fire signs, expect the sparks to fly and the flames to burn hot—they tend to intensify each other, and this can be a good or a bad thing.
Aries women are least compatible with water and Earth signs. Water signs (Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio) are too sensitive and emotional for the Aries woman, and she typically finds Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) and their solid practicality boring. Eyedealism notes that a Scorpio might "admire her strength and her sense of aggression," adding that an Aries woman's directness is "almost disarming of the paranoia of the Scorpio." But Scorpio's possessiveness and secretive nature might ultimately prove too much for the independent and open Aries woman. "Aries women are incredibly independent," Eyedealism explains. "So if a Scorpio gets jealous, as they are wont to do, the Aries woman will have no part of it."
Attracting an Aries Woman
Attract an Aries woman with your confidence and swagger. An Aries woman tends to want a partner who is as strong and confident as she is, so walk into the room like you own it. Have your life under control and show her that you're on the path toward success and she'll want to spend more time with you. "Aries' phrase is 'I am,'" Garbis explains. "So if you start any sentence with them with, "you are," like "you are so strong," "you are so great," or "you are so amazing" then you would be heading in the right direction." "They love attention and hate being alone with no one telling them how great they are," Garbis continues. EXPERT TIP Stina Garbis Stina Garbis Psychic Astrologer Reverend Stina Garbis is a Psychic Astrologer and the Owner of Psychic Stina. With over 30 years of experience, she specializes in providing personal and professional advice through astrology and tarot card readings. Reverend Stina has experience working with high-profile celebrities, sports figures, politicians, and CEOs. She has been featured in many publications, including Bustle, Vice, The New York Post, and Readers’ Digest and she also has a 200k+ following on TikTok. Stina holds an Ordained Minister License from The International Metaphysical Ministry University Seminary. Stina Garbis Stina Garbis Psychic Astrologer Aries anger is nothing to toy with. But if you do make [their] blood boil a little, they will think about you a lot, and if they find you attractive it may make them go wild with wanting to see you again.
Be direct with an Aries woman about how you feel. Aries women appreciate directness. Even if she doesn't return your feelings, she'll admire you at least a little for being honest and upfront with her. Likewise, an Aries woman won't hesitate to say something if she likes you. Aries women typically don't have much tolerance for keeping secrets or refusing to talk. If you're a private person who tends to shut down, you'll quickly frustrate an Aries woman. On the other hand, if you're direct about how you feel—maybe even a little aggressive in pursuing her—she'll definitely be interested. Keep that up and she might just fall in love.
Wrapping Up
An Aries woman is a force to be reckoned with. Passionate, powerful, driven, and determined to succeed. She boldly blazes a trail in pursuit of her goals and won't hesitate to crush anything in her path. But at the same time, she strives to lift up those around her and is protective of the people she loves.
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