- Mix 1 cup (237 mL) of shaving cream with a few drops of your preferred food coloring.
- Stir in 1⁄2 c (120 mL) of white school glue, followed by 1 US tbsp (15 mL) of contact lens solution.
- Knead the mixture together with your hands for several minutes. To store it, refrigerate it in a secure container for up to 1 month.
Glue & Shaving Cream Fluffy Slime Recipe
Combine 1 cup (237 mL) of shaving cream and a few drops of food coloring. Add as much food coloring as you’d like until you’re happy with the color—you may need several drops to create a bright, bold color. Ingredients: 1 cup (237 mL) of shaving cream ⁄2 c (120 mL) of white school glue 1 US tbsp (15 mL) of contact lens solution Food coloring (optional)
Mix in ⁄2 c (120 mL) of white school glue. Mix the glue in with a rubber spatula, or just use your hands. Lather your hands with baby oil before handling the slime if you’re worried about it sticking to your skin.
Add 1 US tbsp (15 mL) of contact lens solution and keep stirring. Be sure to use a saline solution that lists sodium borate and boric acid as ingredients—these “activate” the slime, or give it the non-gluey texture that you’re looking for.
Knead the slime with your hands for a couple of minutes. Use your fingers to really work all the ingredients together until a consistent, slime-like texture forms. If the slime still feels sticky after a few minutes of kneading, stir in ⁄2 US tbsp (7.4 mL) of contact lens solution and see if the texture improves. The slime takes a few minutes to transition to the proper texture, so don’t be discouraged if it feels sticky at first!
Refrigerate slime in an airtight container for up to 1 month. When stored properly, slime can stay in good shape for several weeks without developing mold or getting dried out.
Fluffy Slime Recipes without Shaving Cream
Shampoo and cornstarch Pour ⁄2 c (120 mL) of regular shampoo and ¼ cup (30 g) of cornstarch into a bowl, along with a few drops of your desired food coloring (if you’d like).Stir in 1 US tbsp (15 mL) of water first before gradually mixing in an additional 5 US tbsp (74 mL). Work the mixture together with your fingers for 5 minutes or so until it develops a fluffy consistency.Troubleshooting: Continue adding cornstarch to the mixture if it doesn’t feel fluffy enough.Ingredients: Regular shampoo, cornstarch, water, food coloring (optional)
White glue and cornstarch Combine ½ cup (60 g) of cornstarch and ⁄4 c (59 mL) of white school glue together in a bowl. Stir in 3 drops of food coloring and then start working the mixture together with your fingers for 10 minutes or so.Stick the kneaded slime in the microwave for 20 seconds, and then continue kneading the slime for 10 minutes after it cools off.Troubleshooting: Add a little bit of cornstarch if the slime feels too sticky.Ingredients: Cornstarch, white school glue, food coloring
Clear glue and laundry starch Combine ⁄2 c (120 mL) of clear school glue and a few drops of food coloring in a bowl together. Then, gradually pour in a little bit of liquid starch as you continue to stir.Once the mixture has a slime-like consistency, stop mixing the liquid starch.Troubleshooting: Pour in a tiny bit more liquid starch and see if the consistency of the slime improves.Ingredients: Laundry starch, clear school glue
White glue and borax Create a borax mixture by dissolving 1 tbsp (15 g) of borax into 1 c (240 mL) of warm water. In a separate bowl, combine ⁄2 c (120 mL) of white school glue with a few drops of your desired food coloring, along with 1 tsp (4.9 mL) of the borax solution.Work the ingredients together, continuing to add extra spoonfuls of the borax mixture (as needed) to improve the consistency.Troubleshooting: Add a little extra borax to your slime mixture if it seems too sticky.Ingredients: Water, borax, white school glue
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