40+ Professional Example Voicemail Greetings to Use
40+ Professional Example Voicemail Greetings to Use
It’s important to make a voicemail greeting for your work phone, but what should you say? A good voicemail greeting offers guidance to clients, colleagues, and other callers when you’re away from your phone. Your professional voicemail message should indicate they’ve reached the right number, their call is important to you, and you’ll get back to them soon. Below are example voicemail greetings to use, as well as tips for crafting a good voicemail message.
Best Voicemail Greetings

What is a professional voicemail greeting?

A voicemail greeting is a message that tells callers you’re unavailable. In the workplace, it’s important to have a professional voicemail greeting to engage clients, colleagues, and others when you’re away from the phone. The message should be brief and direct, confirming they’ve reached the right person and encouraging them to leave a message. You can make a voicemail greeting on any phone, though the exact steps to set it up vary by device.

Short Professional Voicemail Greeting Examples

Respect others’ time with a brief, direct voicemail greeting. Keep your greeting simple and to-the-point so callers don’t get annoyed and hang up. Mention your name and job title so they know they’ve reached the right person, and ask them to leave their information so you can call them back. Hi, you’ve reached [Full Name] at [Company Name]. I’m currently unavailable, but please leave your name and number and I’ll get back to you shortly. Thanks. You’ve reached [Full Name]. Thanks for calling. I can’t make it to the phone right now, but if you leave your name and contact details, I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. Hi, you’ve reached [Business Name, Department Name (optional)]. We’re sorry we missed your call. Please leave your name and number, and we’ll be sure to call you back. Hello, this is [Full Name] at [Company Name]. Sorry I missed your call. If you leave your name and number, I’ll call you back soon. Thank you. This is [Full Name] at [Company Name]. I’m unavailable at the moment. Please leave your contact details so I can return your call. Hi, you’ve reached [Full Name]. Thanks for your call. While I’m currently away, I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. Please leave your name and phone number after the beep. Hi, you’ve reached [Company Name]. I’m currently away or assisting another customer. Please leave a brief message with your name, phone number, and subject and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Hello, thank you for calling. You’ve reached [Full Name] at [Company Name]. I’m sorry I can’t take your call right now, but if you leave your name and contact info, I’ll get back to you shortly. Thanks!

Formal Voicemail Greeting Examples

Display professionalism with a formal voicemail greeting. Keep your greeting concise, but include additional information that callers might need. This could be a response timeframe or alternate ways to reach you. Also include a specific explanation for missing the call, if applicable. Hi, you’ve reached [Full Name] at [Company Name]. I’m away from my desk or in a meeting. Please leave your name, number, and reason for calling and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you. Thank you for calling [Full Name] at [Company Name]. Unfortunately, I can’t answer the phone right now. Please leave your contact details, and I’ll call you back as soon as I can. Thank you. Hi there. You’ve reached [Full Name] at [Company Name]. I’m away from my desk right now, but if you leave your name, number, and a message, I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. You can also reach me at [Work Email]. Thank you. Thank you for calling [Full Name] at [Company Name]. I’m sorry I missed your call. Please leave your name and contact details, and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible during normal business hours. Thank you. Hello. You’ve reached [Company Name/Department Name]. We’re sorry we can’t take your call. Give us a call back during normal business hours, or leave a message with your full name, reason for calling, and a number so we can call back. Thank you and have a nice day. Hi, you’ve reached [Full Name]. I’m sorry I can’t answer the phone at the moment. Please leave a message after the tone with your name and contact information, and I’ll return your call at the earliest opportunity. If it’s an emergency, text me at [Personal Phone Number]. Thank you. Hi, thank you for calling [Full Name] at [Company Name]. I’m unavailable at the moment, but if you leave your name, phone number, and the subject of your call, I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. You can also reach me at [Work Email] for a quicker response. Thanks. Hi, thank you for calling [Company Name]. We can’t get to the phone right now, but appreciate your call. Please call again soon. Our business hours are between 9am and 5pm, Monday through Friday. Thank you and enjoy your day.

Friendly Voicemail Greeting Examples

Connect with callers using an informal, friendly voicemail greeting. If you work at a more laid-back company and want to reflect that in your greeting, use playful language. Keep your message professional, but inject personality into the greeting that callers will appreciate. Hi there! You’ve reached [Full Name] at [Company Name]. I’m sorry I missed your call and I look forward to connecting with you. Leave your name and contact details, and I’ll get back to you very soon. Hey! This is [Full Name] at [Company Name]. Thanks for calling! Please leave me a quick message, and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Hey there! You’ve reached [Full Name] at [Company Name]. I’m away from the phone right now, but drop me a message and I’ll return your call ASAP. Thanks! Hi. This is [Full Name] at [Company Name]. Sorry I missed your call. Leave me a message with your name and number, and I’ll hit you back as soon as I can. Hi, thank you for calling [Company Name]. We’re unable to take your call right now, but don’t worry, we’ll be back soon. Try calling us again shortly, or leave us your details and we’ll call you back. Thanks again! Hi there. Thanks for calling [Full Name] at [Company Name]. Your call means a lot to me. Leave your details after the beep so I can call you back ASAP. I look forward to talking with you. Hi! This is [Full Name] at [Company Name]. I can’t answer the phone right now, but don’t fret. I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. Please leave your name and contact info after the beep. Hello. You’ve reached [Full Name] at [Company Name]. Sorry I couldn’t answer your call. Leave me a message with your name and problem, and I’ll get back to you with a smile and a solution. Hello. You’re at the voicemail of [Full Name] with [Company Name]. Can’t answer right now, but leave your details and we’ll chat soon. Thanks!

Casual Voicemail Greeting Examples

Reflect warmth and encouragement with a casual voicemail greeting. Encourage callers to leave a message by using a courteous, approachable tone in your greeting. Make sure the casualness of the message matches the laidback culture of your workplace, or it could be perceived as unprofessional. Hello. You’re at the voicemail of [Full Name] with [Company Name]. Can’t answer right now, but leave your details and we’ll chat soon. Thanks! You’ve reached [Full Name] at [Company Name]. I’m away from my desk right now, but I’ll hit you back as soon as I return. Just leave your details after the beep! Hi, thanks for calling [Company Name]. We look forward to addressing your needs. Let us know how we can call you back by leaving your information at the tone. Thanks! Hi, you’ve reached [Full Name] at [Company Name]. Your call means a lot to me. Please leave your contact details, and I’ll return your call ASAP. Hi, this is [Full Name] at [Company Name]. Sorry I’ve missed your call. You know what to do. Hey! [Full Name] here, sorry I couldn’t answer your call. If you leave me your name, phone, and message, I’ll return your call soon. Thanks and I’ll catch you on the flip side. Hello. This is [Company Name]. We’re sorry we missed your call—we can’t wait to connect with you. Let us know how we can best reach you by leaving your contact information at the tone. Thanks again for choosing [Company Name]. What’s up? This is [Full Name] at [Company Name]’s voicemail box. After the tone, drop your info. I’ll connect with you as soon as I can. Thank you!

Out-of-Office Voicemail Greeting Examples

Inform callers when you’re out-of-office with specific voicemail greetings. Avoid leaving an elaborate explanation of why you’re out-of-office. Include what kind of leave you’re on if relevant, or simply explain that you’re away. Specify when you’ll be gone until, and provide an alternate contact if there is one. Hi. You’ve reached [Full Name]. I’m on vacation and won’t be back in the office until [Return Date]. Please leave your name and contact details and I’ll call you back when I return. Thank you! Hello. You’ve reached [Full Name]. I’m out of office between [Dates You’re Gone]. Please contact [Alternate Contact Name] at [Alternate Contact Phone Number] while I’m gone. Thank you. You’ve reached [Full Name] at [Company Name]. I’m away from the office from [Start of Leave] to [End of Leave]. If you need immediate assistance, contact [Alternate Contact Name] at [Alternate Contact Phone Number]. We’re sorry we missed your call. The [Company Name] offices are closed in observation of a holiday. Please leave a detailed message with your name, contact information, and reason for calling, and we’ll get back to you soon. Thank you, and enjoy your holiday. Hello, this is the voicemail of [Full Name] with [Company Name]. I’m currently out of office, but I’ll return your call as soon as I return. Please leave a detailed message at the tone. Hi, you’ve reached [Full Name] at [Company Name]. Your call is important to me. While I’m out of office until [Return Date], I’ll be checking emails periodically. Send me a message at [Work Email]. Thank you. Hi, you’ve reached [Company Name]. We’re currently closed from [Date] to [Return Date]. If you’re calling about an urgent matter, please reach us at [Alternate Contact Method]. Thanks, and we appreciate your call. Hi, this is [Full Name] at [Company Name]. I’m on vacation until [Date] and won’t be reachable until then. For any immediate concerns, please contact [Alternate Contact] at [Alternate Contact Phone Number]. For other matters, leave a message with your name, phone number, and subject and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

Funny Personal Voicemail Greeting Examples

Make callers laugh with a funny voicemail greeting on your personal phone. Voicemail greetings aren’t just for the workplace—you can set one up on your personal cell phone for friends and relatives. Only put a funny voicemail on a phone number you never take professional calls with. This is you-know-who. I’m you-know-where. Tell me what you want you-know-when. Hello. Now it’s your turn to talk. Hey! This is [First Name]. I’m available but I actually lost my phone. Keep calling me to help me find it. Just kidding. Leave your name and number and I might call you back. Hey. Repeat the secret password after the beep, and I’ll call you back. You’ve reached [First Name]. Sorry I missed your call. Leave a message I probably won’t listen to, or just call me back another time. Hey, what’s up? [Pause.] Just kidding, this is my voicemail. Fooled you, huh? Quote a funny movie monologue or meme and record it as your voicemail message.

How to Make a Good Voicemail Greeting

Include information about yourself. Callers want to make sure they’ve reached the right number, so include your full name, company name, and department name (if relevant) in your voicemail greeting. If you’re out of office, specify a return date and an alternate contact or contact method.

Thank the caller and apologize for missing their call. These simple courtesies go a long way in connecting with your caller, especially if they’re a potential client or customer. You don’t need to say anything fancy—just add a quick “I’m sorry I missed your call,” or “I’m sorry I can’t take your call right now.” End the greeting with “Thank you.” When asking them to leave their contact information, start with “Please.”

Motivate the caller with a call-to-action. Not everyone is used to using voicemail in the workplace. Clarify what they should include in their message with a simple line in the greeting asking them to provide their name, phone number, and reason for calling. This will make it easier for you to screen voicemails and feel prepared to return calls in a timely manner.

Create a script and practice your greeting before recording. Even if you know what you’re going to say, use a script to keep you on track—write one on paper or type it on your computer so you can read it out loud. Practice the greeting a few times before you record your voicemail so it sounds natural. If you stumble over a phrase while practicing, reword it or leave it out.

Keep your message short and professional. Aim to record a voicemail greeting that’s between 10 and 30 seconds. If it’s too long, callers will likely hang up and could even be put off the idea of calling back. If it’s short and to the point, however, callers can quickly leave their message and move on with their day.

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