32 Funny Senior Pranks to Make Your Last Days of School Memorable
32 Funny Senior Pranks to Make Your Last Days of School Memorable
Senior pranks are a way for the graduating class to make their mark and inconvenience their teachers for a few moments of the day. Just make sure to check your school’s policies or ask a faculty member first so your prank won’t get anyone in trouble. Keep reading for all the funniest harmless pranks to do before you graduate!

Indoor Senior Pranks

Hire a mariachi band or bagpipe player to follow around the principal. This classic senior prank has it all—it’s harmless, it’s fun, and it’ll drive the principal crazy! A cheaper option might be having a group of band students follow them around instead, but the great part about hiring a band is that no one can tell them to get back to class!

Put googly eyes on every photo on campus. This one is subtle, but whoever notices it might think it’s hilarious. Take a large bag of stick-on googly eyes, walk around the school, and paste them on any pictures of students or teachers you see hanging in the hallway. If your school has statues, you can also place the googly eyes where the statue’s eyes would be.

Have all the seniors switch classes and act like nothing’s wrong. This one might take a bit of coordination, but having 2 senior classes switch classrooms for the period might be the perfect prank to confuse your teachers. For a more advanced prank, give every student another student’s schedule. Dress up as the other student and act like everything’s normal when the teacher asks questions.

Place a cardboard cutout of the teachers and staff in their offices. Take full-body pictures of every teacher and staff member on campus and hire a professional company to make cutouts of them. Then, put the cut-outs in everyone’s classroom or office before the school day starts for a hilarious surprise! To avoid suspicion, say that you’re taking full-body pictures for a surprise segment in your school’s newspaper or yearbook. A cheaper option might be to print each person’s picture on printer paper, line it up on a sheet of cardboard, cut it out, and use super glue to attach the picture to the cardboard.

Put pictures of the principal over every student’s picture in the school. If you have tons of class or team photos hung throughout the school, print mini photos of your principal and use tape or sticky tack putty to paste their head over every student’s head. To really make your principal feel like a celebrity, paste a cutout of a crown on top of their picture’s head. At one college, the students restaged all of the chair holder and department head’s pictures in the lobby, reposting each photo with the same uniforms and angles.

Set everyone’s alarms to go off at different times throughout the day. Assign everyone in your class a different time during the class period, then have everyone set their alarms. This can create a chaotic atmosphere where everyone’s phones seem to be going off all the time! This one might disrupt class time, so check with your teacher or a faculty member before trying it out.

Cover a hallway or the gym with beach balls. This senior prank is harmless but super fun—all you need to do is cover a hallway, a classroom, or the cafeteria in hundreds of beach balls. Not only is this super confusing to everyone around, but every student can take one home with them!

Have a group of seniors act as “bodyguards” for the principal. Gather 4 to 8 students, have them dress in black suits and ties and wear dark sunglasses, and get them to follow around the principal all day. When someone gets too close to the principal, you can ask for their ID or put out your hand and tell them to “stay back.” Give everyone a fake security earbud to really sell the “Secret Service” vibe.

Cover everything in the library with aluminum foil or wrapping paper. Wrap every stapler, keyboard, and pencil with aluminum foil or colorful wrapping paper for a hilarious prank. For a more personalized approach, use your school’s newspaper, photos of the principal, or pictures of your favorite teacher. Optionally, replace all the computers and other technology with cardboard lookalikes.

Use a label maker to label everything in the school. Lockers, chairs, staplers, computer mice—nothing is safe from the label maker. Label each item with its name so everyone knows what everything is. Not only is this prank funny (and confusing for anyone else), they might end up finding labels on random items years after you’re gone.

Hide rubber snakes all over the school. Rubber snakes make for classic pranks. Give everyone a mini-heart attack (until they realize they’re fake) by hiding them in desk drawers, under tables, and inside lockers. Optionally, use rubber mice or fake plastic bugs.

Fill an entire hallway with plastic balls to make the ultimate ball pit. Use a roll of cling wrap or a baby gate to section off a part of the hallway (where it won’t be a hazard if there’s an emergency), then fill the area with plastic balls. When you’re not in class, jump in and enjoy the fun! Optionally, fill the pit with foam cubes.

Set up a karaoke machine and take turns singing during lunch. If someone in the pranking team has a boombox or karaoke machine, bring it and a microphone to the cafeteria. At the beginning of lunch, announce that you’re doing karaoke, and let the fun begin! Ask students what they want to sing before they start so you can make sure it’s school-appropriate and won’t get you in trouble.

Hide 1000 pirate doubloons with your class year written on them. Order a thousand plastic coins custom-made with your class year on each one and hide them all around the school. Put them underneath desks, in between books on shelves, behind paintings, and in desk drawers so teachers and students will keep finding them even after you’ve graduated.

Assemble a flash mob in the cafeteria at lunch. Ask a group of at least 10 seniors to rehearse a special dance for senior prank day. When everyone is in the cafeteria eating lunch or in the halls between class periods, play the song and have everyone in the area spontaneously break out in dance! The song and the dance you make up can be whatever you’d like, as long as they’re both funny and school-appropriate.

Have all the seniors dress up as the teachers and staff members. Tell every senior that you’re having a twin day with the faculty—except only you know what’s going on. All of the seniors will come dressed as their favorite teachers and confuse everyone else! Alternatively, assign all the seniors a specific teacher or faculty member.

Outdoor Senior Pranks

Set up a slip and slide on the field. This senior prank can be fun for the whole school. Create a homemade slip-and-slide by placing a long roll of plastic sheeting down a hill outside. Sprinkle the slip-and-slide with liquid soap, then place a hose with the water turned on at the top. Ask all the seniors to bring their swimsuits and kickboards for a slippery good time!

Throw a beach party at lunchtime. Put a tarp down on the field, then pour bags of sand on top. After that, place pool chairs, towels, and anything else that reminds you of the beach. At lunch or after school, have all the seniors come out in their bathing suits and enjoy the sun. Make sure to bring the sunscreen! You can also bring a kiddie pool and fill it with water to bring the ocean to you!

Tie balloons to every teacher’s car. Use a helium tank to blow up the balloons or blow them up with air, then tie them to each teacher and faculty member’s car. For extra celebratory spirit, tape colorful streamers along the sides and put a party hat on the roof of each vehicle. Order custom balloons with your school mascot on them or use balloons in your school’s colors.

Hold a wedding outside after school. Ask two senior friends to dress up in bridal gowns or suits, set up a beautiful wedding arch and chairs, and tell all the seniors that there will be a special event after school. When the seniors (and teachers and other students) come outside, they’ll be guests at the most spontaneous wedding of all time. Assign which seniors are the best man, maid of honor, groomsmen, and the rest of the birthday party and have them all come in costume.

Poke hundreds of plastic forks in the field. Not only is this prank strange and funny, it aerates the ground when you remove them—so, you’re actually doing your school a favor. Just make sure to clean them all up after the fun is over! Optionally, use popsicle sticks, plastic spoons or knives, or mini-signs with a special message from the senior class on them.

Move all of the principal’s office furniture onto the field. Have a group of seniors stay late after school or come in early to move the principal’s desk, chair, bookshelves, and other furniture out to the football field. When the principal arrives, they’ll be confused when their whole office is moved outdoors for the day! This one might be a bit more risky, so make sure to ask a faculty member in the office to make sure it’s okay.

Have all the seniors drive anything but a car to school. This one went viral a while back, but it still makes for a fun and non-intrusive prank. Ask all the seniors to drive “anything but a car” to school—this might include tractors, limousines, horses, golf carts, or a car built for kids. Ask everyone to come to school down a specific side road so you avoid traffic and so that your teachers and the other students can see all of you ride in style to school.

Put “Please use other door” signs… on every outside door. This prank can cause momentary confusion for all the students and faculty members walking in for school that morning. Just make sure not to do the same thing on the inside of the school to prevent it from creating a fire hazard. Optionally, don’t put a sign on 1 unusual door, like the door to the back of the building, so everyone will enter the school through that door.

Wrap the principal’s car in cling wrap or bubble wrap. Another harmless car prank to do on your favorite teacher or the principal is to wrap up their car with cling or bubble wrap. Just imagine their face when they see that their ride home has been completely covered! Tie a pair of scissors to their side mirror so they can free their car if they’re in a hurry.

Internet Senior Pranks

Put your school up for sale on Zillow or Craigslist. The senior class at Red Hook High School came up with this one—they listed their school building on Craigslist for $100. For bonus points, stake a giant “FOR SALE” sign in front of the school. Make the price on the ad ridiculously low (like $10 or 15 cents) and put your principal’s phone number on it so they’ll get calls all day!

Post a Chewbacca roar contest and put your principal’s number on it. Who doesn’t love answering their phone to hear the glorious call of a Wookie from Star Wars? Create a convincing-looking ad with your principal’s phone number attached, then post it on your school’s social media page, their website, or on a billboard near your school. Put on the ad that whoever does the most realistic Chewbacca roar will get a prize—you can decide what the prize you list should be.

Change every computer’s wallpaper to the blue screen of death. Any Windows user knows the pang of fear you feel when you open your computer to see a blue screen error with :( at the top. However, this prank won’t mean their computer memory is over with. Download a blue screen wallpaper onto all the school’s laptops and computers and watch chaos reign.

Change your school’s name on Google Maps. Get all the seniors to suggest that Google change your school’s name to whatever you’d like. You might choose something obvious like your class year or your school’s mascot, or use an inside joke about your school that all of the students think will be funny. To do this, go to Google Maps, click on your school, then select “Suggest an edit” > “Change name or other details.” Enter the new name and follow the onscreen instructions to submit it.

Graduation Ceremony Senior Pranks

Hand your principal a golf ball as you shake their hand. This is a funny way to make your principal more and more bogged down by golf balls as the names are called. You can go further with the joke and write your class year on each ball, or write a sweet message about your time at school to match the graduation vibe. Optionally, use ping pong balls, rocks, rubber ducks, or other small objects that remind you of your time at school. Seniors at several schools, including Grinnell College, have handed their president or principal a golf ball as they passed by the stage.

Have everyone give their parents announcements to wear funny hats. The week before graduation, print out official-looking instructions for each senior on graduation day. Include all the instructions you’ve already gotten, plus a strange out-of-the-box one like “Each parent or guardian should arrive wearing a funny hat.” Not only is this a prank on your parents, but it can also confuse the teachers and faculty if all the graduation guests show up dressed in food or animal-shaped hats.

Carry cardboard cut-outs of celebrities dressed in caps and gowns. Hire a professional or make DIY cardboard cut-outs of celebs like Kim Kardashian, Adam Sandler, or Beyoncé. Dress them up in cardboard (or real) caps and gowns, then have them sit next to you at graduation to confuse everyone on stage. If possible, take the cardboard cut-out up on stage when your name is called to enjoy the glory of graduation with you.

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