US Woman Throws Lavish Party With Music, Bouncy Castle For Late Husband
US Woman Throws Lavish Party With Music, Bouncy Castle For Late Husband
Katie Young also wanted to ensure Brandon’s sendoff was a party, not a sad event.

A woman in the US defied norms after her husband death by scraping away the idea of a traditional funeral and going for a ‘FUN’eral instead. Katie Young’s husband Brandon died at the age of 39 from complications resulting from a stroke. Following his death, Katie could not bear the thought of going for a traditional funeral, as she thought it would be traumatising for her children as well as herself. She said she wanted her children to remember their father with happy thoughts. Katie Young also wanted to ensure Brandon’s sendoff was a party he would have enjoyed attending, rather than a sad event.

The mother of three decided to throw a party in her husband’s honour, where around 500 guests were invited. The event was recorded and shared on TikTok, which went viral instantly. The food contained dishes which were Brandon’s favourites, like chips and dips. There was a bouncy castle, arts and crafts along with many fun elements in the party. A goodie bag with Brandon’s extensive art and album collection was given out to guests when they left. The party was complete with music playing from Brandon’s cherished music collection. According to Katie, her husband was a big time music lover.

“Each time I thought about planning a traditional funeral for Brandon, I grew physically ill. I could not stand the thought of sitting in a church and crying through speeches,” Katie told a media portal. “It would have been torture for my children and in turn would have been unbearable for me.”

She also said that the best part of the parry, which she referred to as a ‘FUN’eral is that her children had a smile on their faces throughout and that they would forever remember their father’s sendoff with happy memories instead of it being a traumatic affair for them.

Katie and her husband first met in 2007. She was immediately attracted to his curly hair, and their mutual passion for music brought them together. They married in March 2008 and cherished spending time together cooking in the kitchen.

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