This Website Can Track Down Every Photo Of You That Exists Online In Seconds
This Website Can Track Down Every Photo Of You That Exists Online In Seconds
The website acts similarly to Google's reverse image search but uses AI image recognition to speed this process up.

Growing concerns surrounding the expansion of Artificial Intelligence (AI) have been fueled by the emergence of PimEyes, a controversial counterpart to Google Lens. Unlike Google’s application, PimEyes engages in deep internet searches of individuals. By uploading a clear photo, users can discover various versions of themselves online, with the website utilising AI to identify images across the internet. This includes not only recent pictures but also older photos and unexpected appearances in random crowd shots.

The accuracy of the results is shocking, as the website can identify someone’s doppelgangers staying across the globe. The website raises further concerns about the effects of advanced AI and the accessibility of individuals’ visual data online.

Rowan Cheung, an author of an AI-focused newsletter, The Rundown, took the initiative to raise awareness about the alarming capabilities of the PimEyes website. In a detailed video, Cheung showed how the website functions and highlighted the disturbing accuracy with which the website rapidly gathers an individual’s images from various corners of the internet. Sharing the video, he wrote, “The most disturbing AI website on the internet. Upload a photo of a person, and AI will find ALL of the images of that person across the internet.”

“The scary thing about this a stranger could take a picture of you and find out everything about you,” wrote a user.

“This is a stalker’s dream,” another user wrote.

A user expressed worry about the invasion of privacy, revealing how someone could snap a photo on the street, and upload it to PimEyes.

However, this user found the app to be valuable. “I like PimEyes. The tool is controversial – but it is one of the best tools for finding who has used my face without my consent. I then send takedown notices.”

While PimEyes offers a free search option, users can avail of additional features through paid services, granting them access to the sources of their results. For individuals who prefer not to appear in the search results, the website provides an opt-out option. To opt-out, users are required to complete a form and submit a photo, along with a scan of their passport for verification purposes.

PimEyes, as per its design, is intended for personal use, enabling users to monitor their digital presence and submit Takedown Requests to protect their privacy. The company emphasises the strict prohibition of searches related to other individuals under their rules. Assuring users of the implementation of necessary measures for privacy and protection, the company states that any non-compliance with their policies will be deemed a serious violation of the law.

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