Former Delhi chief minister and Congress leader Sheila Dikshit hit out at Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal for blaming the Centre for the rape of two girls. "First of all, I'm very saddened to hear this terrible news cause it is a wake up call. Rapes of young girls, children is shameful for any government. Now to blame the Prime Minister who is not concerned with the administration of Delhi is another unfair thing. Kejriwal like any other Chief Minister is the face of Delhi and we know that you do not have the police under you. You must separate the police, for security and VVIPs and the diplomats and for normal law and order."
Former Delhi chief minister and Congress leader Sheila Dikshit hit out at Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal for blaming the Centre for the rape of two girls. "First of all, I'm very saddened to hear this terrible news cause it is a wake up call. Rapes of young girls, children is shameful for any government. Now to blame the Prime Minister who is not concerned with the administration of Delhi is another unfair thing. Kejriwal like any other Chief Minister is the face of Delhi and we know that you do not have the police under you. You must separate the police, for security and VVIPs and the diplomats and for normal law and order."
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