CM Mufti Expresses Regret Over Restrictions on Local Newspapers
CM Mufti Expresses Regret Over Restrictions on Local Newspapers
Mehbooba assured the editors and owners that the government would facilitate to the maximum extent possible smooth movement of journalists and other newspaper staff to ensure that they can perform their professional duties in a hassle-free manner.

Srinagar: Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti on Wednesday expressed regret over restrictions on local newspapers in the Valley, saying it was not a deliberate attempt on part of the government, but happened because of some communication gap.

Though, there has been no deliberate attempt on part of the government to impose any restrictions on the publication of newspapers, however, whatever has happened, because of some communication gap, is regrettable, the Chief Minister said.

She said this while interacting with the editors and owners of the local dailies, who called on her here to discuss resumption of publications and other issues confronting the local media in view of the prevailing law and order situation, an official spokesman said.

Mehbooba assured the editors and owners that the government would facilitate to the maximum extent possible smooth movement of journalists and other newspaper staff to ensure that they can perform their professional duties in a hassle-free manner, he said.

The spokesman said the Chief Minister assured the editors/owners that the "State Government is committed to independence of media at all costs and complaints of highhandedness against the press, if any, amid prevailing situation will be looked into".

The chief minister described free and vibrant media an essential pillar of democracy and urged the fourth estate to play a responsive and proactive role in tiding over the enormous challenges facing Jammu and Kashmir and its people.

She also sought the cooperation of the press in maintaining peace and calm in the state and prevent further loss of lives and destruction of properties.

Media's credibility is its biggest asset and it should try to maintain the same at all costs, especially amid difficult situations like the one Kashmir is presently embroiled in, the chief minister said.

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