Looking for a job? Look no further as here we list out job openings for you, both from the private and government sector. Candidates across various educational and age criteria can apply. Right from TCS to DRDO, here is a list of jobs you can apply for this week.
TCS Recruitment 2022
Tata Consultancy Services is recruiting freshers who have passed in 2020, 2021 and 2021 with MSc or MA degree. The registration for the off-campus drive will begin on April 20. Candidates will have to appear for a written test followed by a personal interview as part of the selection process. The dates of the test and interview have not been announced yet. Candidates with full-time post-graduation courses will only be considered. Part-time or correspondence courses will not be considered. Click here to know more.
APPSC Recruitment 2022
The Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) has invited applications for 259 posts of Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT). Candidates can apply at appsc.gov.in by May 13. As many as 12 subjects TGTs will be hired including English, Hindi, political science, geography, economics, history, biology, mathematics, and agriculture among others. The selection for the posts will be done on the basis of a written exam followed by an interview or viva-voce. Successfully selected candidates can draw a salary between Rs 44,900 and Rs 1,42,000. Read on to know more.
Bihar BSSC CGL 2022
The Bihar Staff Selection Commission (BSSC) has begun the registrations for the combined graduate-level (CGL) exam 2022. The recruitment is being done to fill 2187 vacant posts. Candidates can apply at bssc.bihar.gov.in by May 17. The board has notified 1360 posts of secretariat assistant, 125 posts of planning assistant, 74 posts malaria inspector, 626 posts of auditor and 2 posts of data entry operator grade C. The BSSC CGL examination will be held in two stages which includes prelims and mains. Those with a graduate degree can apply. Click here to check how to apply.
BECIL Recruitment 2022
The Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Limited (BECIL) has invited applications for 378 posts of office assistant and data entry operator on contract basis. Candidates can apply at becil.com by April 25 for a total of 200 vacant posts of office assistant and 178 posts of data entry operator. The selection will be on the basis of a written test and a computer knowledge test of MS Office computer programs namely MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint. They will also have to qualify a typing test. To know more, click here.
DRDO Recruitment 2022
The Defence Institute of Psychological Research (DIPR) Delh has invited applications to fill 4 vacancies of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) and one research associate post. Initially, the JRF offer will be for two years which may be extended to four subject to recommendations of the internal screening committee. Selected candidates will be paid a stipend of Rs 31,000 per month. While research associate job will be for maximum of two years and they will be paid Rs 54,000 as monthly stipends. Click to know check all details.
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