Actress Elizabeth Moss Keeps Awards in This Part of Her House
Actress Elizabeth Moss Keeps Awards in This Part of Her House
'The Invisible Man' actress said that she had kept her two Emmys and three Golden Globes awards on a bookshelf and feels she should get a glass cabinet for them.

Actress Elisabeth Moss feels she should the two Emmys and three Golden Globes that she won somewhere "nicer" than a bookshelf.

"They're on a bookshelf in my apartment, along with a bunch of memorabilia and trinkets from other things I've done. I should probably get something nicer like a glass cabinet," said Moss.

The actress returns to the theatres in the sci-fi horror thriller "The Invisible Man", and she said that if she was invisible for a day, she would love to watch an actor she admires, such as Meryl Streep, up close, reports

"(I would) Go to a film set or theatre and watch an actor up-close who I really admire. Someone like Meryl Streep. I hope she doesn't read this and take out a restraining order! That's the least subversive thing I'd do, anyway. Everything else would involve sketchy, shady stuff," Moss told the portal Observer New Review.

She had previously confessed she was "scared out of her skin" when she watched "The Invisible Man".

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