Period Blood Clots: What They Mean And Are They Normal?
Period Blood Clots: What They Mean And Are They Normal?
Blood clots are a common problem women suffer from during their period cycle. These can have significant effects and reasons that may require medical attention.

Menstruation or a period cycle is considered as a taboo in the society. Women have been suffering due to the period from the time women take birth. Even though it is such a natural and biological process of their body, they feel awkward and uncomfortable talking about it. Menstruation prepares a woman’s body for reproduction. Menstruation brings with it a lot of discomfort as it is known to be physically painful and mentally draining. It also brings a lot of hormonal imbalance that leads to mood swings and irritability. Blood clots are also a part of this biological cycle.

For many women, small amounts of blood clots are normal, but if you are noticing larger blood clots, you need to take note and watch out as they can be signs of something else. The way the body reacts to menstrual changes when you are on your period can be triggered by anxiety. In this way, bleeding during menstruation is considered as such a change. You can learn about the causes of bleeding during menstruation and its treatments.

Causes of spotting during menstruation:

For most women, small amounts of blood clots are normal during menstruation. But when it comes out in large clots it is something to watch out for. It can be a result of hormonal imbalance or ovarian tumours.

Hormonal Changes:

During menstruation, our body undergoes various hormonal changes. When there is an imbalance in estrogen and progesterone levels, menstrual blood flow is affected and blood clots are released.

Uterine Fibroids:

Non-cancerous growths that can occur in the uterus during pregnancy are called uterine fibroids.


According to the World Health Organisation, endometriosis is a painful disorder in which the tissue that surrounds the uterus begins to grow outside the uterus.

Lifestyle Factors:

Obesity, lack of physical activity, smoking etc, can cause large blood clots to come out during menstruation.

Heavy bleeding during menstruation can cause the following symptoms:

· Low haemoglobin levels

· Bleeding at a stretch for almost close to a week

· Abnormal bleeding that requires changing sanitary pads constantly

· Fatigue

· Pain so severe that it intervenes daily activity

If you experience any of these symptoms, consult your gynaecologist right away.

Now, let’s look into the ways you can treat the concerns:

– Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

– Hysterectomy may be recommended for some cases

– Intrauterine hormonal devices

– Birth control drugs

– A condition like endometriosis may require surgery

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