Monsoon Health: Expert Gives Tips to Avoid Serious Illness
Monsoon Health: Expert Gives Tips to Avoid Serious Illness
Changes in the weather can take a toll on your health and cause problems like viral fever, however, during the monsoon season the health issue can accelerate.

The arrival of the monsoon season brings much-needed respite from the scorching heat, however, it also drives a number of health problems. In order to keep medical issues at bay during monsoon, we must incorporate certain changes into our daily routine. Realising the importance of the same, Homeopathic Consultant and Yoga instructor, Dr. Trupti Doshi posted a video on her Instagram handle wherein she shared a few tips to stay healthy during monsoon season.

Changes in the weather can take a toll on your health and cause problems like viral fever, however, during the monsoon season the health issue can accelerate. In the short video, the expert can be seen listing five basic things that should be completely avoided during the monsoon season. Beginning the video by saying, “Avoid eating outside food especially uncovered food items,” Dr. Trupti added, “Don’t eat pre-peeled fruits available outside.” This is because infections like typhoid and acute diarrheal illness like cholera are very common during the rainy season, which is usually caused by bacteria that contaminate the food.

Next, the expert asked all to avoid adding ice to soft drinks, and juices from restaurants/food stalls. Although, people must avoid drinking anything from outside, especially during monsoon, as contaminated water can result in various infections. However, adding ice to the drinks can risk you with cold and cough. Further, the health expert said, “Don’t ignore any fever, especially the ones with body aches/ any bleeding.” Even if you feel a slight fever or body pain, you must immediately consult a doctor as these can be early symptoms of dengue and malaria, which again are common during monsoon.

She also recommended people avoid the accumulation of water under their plants. During the rainy season, water must not be accumulated in any container, pots, or air cooler for many days, as this can become the number one breeding spot for mosquitoes. Especially, Aedes, which is the mosquito that spread dengue. She concluded by saying, “Don‘t wear wet or drenched clothes for a long time.” This is extremely important, as staying in wet clothes for very long can cause pneumonia.

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