Mindfulness: There are Friends Around, Identify Them
Mindfulness: There are Friends Around, Identify Them
Believe it or not, but the regular communication with friends, relatives and neighbours can save us from many crisis. The world is facing a big crisis these days. This challenge cannot be resolved individually.

Technology and social media have taken our lives by storm. We are drifting from each other.

Believe it or not, but the regular communication with friends, relatives and neighbours can save us from many crisis. The world is facing a big crisis these days. This challenge cannot be resolved individually.

Corona pandemic is pushing us to a new world. This crisis is being looked at in two ways. The traditional thought is expecting everything to be normal soon. The others are claiming that there will be a new world order. Well, It has already begun.

The concept of ‘work from home’ is the result of second thoughts. All tasks that do not require any physical help are being connected with work to be done at home. It has economic reasons as well, but social reasons are stronger. It will affect our social connections and meetings. We are likely to be entrapped in our laptop and digital screens.

This may quickly increase dullness and loneliness. It is necessary to increase communication and make conversations continuous. When we go out, we get new companions to share our uneasiness. Now, this is less likely to happen.

Few days ago, our reader Sunita Dubey from Raipur, told us that she was feeling odd for some time. Life seemed to be boring. At that time, her old friend gave two suggestions. First to go to the doctor immediately. She did it.

Going to see a psychiatrist is a matter of courage. We do not accept it as normal. We fear, people may make jokes on us. The second suggestion she got was to read something creative and related to life. That’s how she reached this column.

Find people with whom you can share your sorrows. This will give you the power, hope and energy.

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