Do You Want To Master The Art Of Happiness? Here's What You Need To Know
Do You Want To Master The Art Of Happiness? Here's What You Need To Know
As we navigate the complexities of modern life, let us remember to pause, breathe, and embrace the present moment with an open heart and mind

In today’s world, it feels like anxiety and stress are constantly hanging over us, making it hard to find a balance in life. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by these emotions, isn’t it? But amidst all this chaos, have you ever stopped to think about what truly makes you happy? It’s a question that might seem simple, yet many of us struggle to answer it. And even when we do, that feeling of happiness often disappears, overshadowed by the demands of our daily routines.

We all are pretty aware that meditation, yoga, and therapy can be helpful tools but did you ever imagine that mastering these practices could turn you into a true connoisseur of happiness? In a recent encounter with ‘His Holiness’ the Dalai Lama, Vivek Raina, Founder and CEO, Excitel Broadband shared “Meeting Dalai Lama was a profound experience that left me contemplating why success, despite all its promises, often brings stress and anxiety instead of happiness? So, when I had the opportunity to meet ‘his Holiness’, I couldn’t resist but ask the age-old question, what is the secret to happiness? In his typically gracious manner, Dalai Lama answered, happiness lies in staying present. It’s a sentiment that resonated deeply with me. As I reflected on this, it struck me how effortlessly children let go of negative emotions, living fully in the moment. Their ability to embrace the now without being weighed down by past grievances or future worries is a lesson we adults could certainly learn from. In our fast-paced world filled with distractions and mounting pressures, embracing the present moment can be a challenge. Yet, it’s in this very moment that true contentment lies”

So, if you are somebody who is looking to overcome those feelings of anxiety and stress. Here are some of the concepts that can help:

  1. The concept of anattā or no self: Think about a car for a moment. Now, picture taking away its wheels. Is it still the same car to you? Now, consider this: what if I design a vehicle with wheels on the top? Would you still call it a car? The thing is, the essence of that car, what makes it “it,” exists in your mind.Similarly, your existence isn’t just about your physical body or your thoughts; it’s about how you perceive yourself. Once you begin seeing yourself as you truly desire, stress and anxiety has no hold over you. It’s like stepping into a space where those negative emotions simply don’t exist.
  2. Śūnyatā or Emptiness:In Buddhist philosophy, emptiness isn’t about nothingness; it’s about acknowledging that everything we encounter, including ourselves, transcends our limited understanding of it. It is when your experiences aren’t defined by your past or your future. Hence within Emptiness anything is possible. It’s a bit like stepping into this vast, wide-open space where anything can happen and where you’re free to explore new paths and perspectives. It’s pretty liberating, to be honest!
  3. Replacing Ignorance with Innocence:As we grow older, we often feel smarter or more knowledgeable, but sometimes, this confidence can actually come from a place of ignorance rather than true wisdom. We have a tendency to judge people and situations based on their past, letting our preconceptions cloud our judgment. Instead of seeing someone for who they are now, we’re stuck in what they used to be.

But real wisdom means realizing that our understanding is limited and that people and circumstances are constantly evolving. In essence, becoming truly intelligent means breaking free from the habit of seeing everything through the lens of the past. It’s about embracing the ever-changing nature of life and approaching each moment with openness and compassion

So, as we navigate the complexities of modern life, let us remember to pause, breathe, and embrace the present moment with an open heart and mind. For within this moment lies the key to unlocking a life filled with genuine happiness, peace, and fulfilment.

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