6 Simple Ways to Prevent Piles
6 Simple Ways to Prevent Piles
Piles occur when the veins and arteries around the anus get blocked, inflamed or swollen. These hemorrhoids usually feel like a tight lump near the anal region and can make even sitting difficult.

Call them piles or hemorrhoids, there’s no part of this condition that is tolerable, mostly because it interferes with a bodily function we can’t and shouldn’t try to stop - pooping. Whether you eat two-three big meals a day or are following a trendy little weight loss diet, not being able to poop due to piles can be very painful and can lead to a number of other health issues too.

Piles occur when the veins and arteries around the anus get blocked, inflamed or swollen. These hemorrhoids usually feel like a tight lump near the anal region and can make even sitting difficult. Apart from being painful, piles can be itchy and can also lead to bleeding and infections, so the best thing to do is avoid them from ever happening to you. The following are six easy ways to prevent piles:1. Poop when you need to

Do not stop your urge to poop, especially when you feel the pressure coming on. If you delay pooping, then your stool is likely to dry up and become hard within your lower intestines. This increases the risk of straining and injuring the anal tissues when you do end up pooping later and can lead to piles.2. Get some fibre

Lack of dietary fibre from the consumption of enough fruits and vegetables is one of the main reasons why piles occur. Include more vegetables, fruits and whole grains in your diet and if that is not enough then talk to your doctor about soluble fibre supplements.3. Drink more water

This might seem like common sense, but your digestive system requires adequate water intake to soften your stool. So, drink plenty of water and get enough fluids throughout the day.4. Get some exercise

Movement aids digestion - this much has been clear for a long time now. Make sure you get enough exercise every day, even if it’s a 30-minute walk. In fact, going for a walk first thing in the morning can make bowel movements easier.5. Don’t strain

There are things you can do to ease your bowel movements but do not strain no matter what. Straining increases the pressure on the veins and arteries around the anus, and this definitely causes piles in the long run. Avoid distractions (scrolling on your phone, reading a book), as they can make you stay on the pot for longer periods of time - which also could lead to piles.6. Keep it clean

Clean your anal area properly every time you poop, and wash it properly while bathing. This ensures that poop and dirt residues do not stick or harden in the anal region and lead to complications later. These seemingly small issues can later make pooping difficult and cause infections as well.For more information, read our article on Piles (Hemorrhoids): Symptoms, causes, treatment and prevention.Health articles on News18 are written by myUpchar.com, India’s first and biggest resource for verified medical information. At myUpchar, researchers and journalists work with doctors to bring you information on all things health.

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