WikiLeaks Cablegate: Pak thinks US is favouring India
WikiLeaks Cablegate: Pak thinks US is favouring India
India-related document from the leaked US embassy cables released by whistleblowing website WikiLeaks.

Reference ID: 10MEXICO614

Created: 2010-02-19 15:03

Released: 2010-11-30 21:09


Origin: Embassy Mexico



DE RUEHME #0614 0501538


O R 191538Z FEB 10







E.O. 12958: DECL: 02/22/2030




Classified By: DCM Gerald M. Feierstein, Reasons 1.4 (b)/(d)

¶1. (C) Summary: Embassy Islamabad warmly welcomes your

February 24 visit to Pakistan. You will participate in a

trilateral cooperation meeting with Pakistani Interior

Minister Rehman Malik and Afghan Interior Minister Hanif

Atmar, followed by bilateral meetings with senior Pakistani

officials, including Federal Investigation Agency (FIA)

Director General Zafarullah Khan, Intelligence Bureau (IB)

Director General Javed Noor, and Inter-Services Intelligence

(ISI) Director General Ahmed Shuja Pasha.

¶2. (C) You should express to your Pakistani interlocutors

appreciation for ongoing law enforcement cooperation and

express our readiness to enhance such efforts. You may want

to register U.S. concerns about terrorist threats to U.S.

citizens and U.S. interests that emanate from Pakistan, and

encourage continued Pakistani action to counter these

threats. You should press the Pakistanis to follow through

on their prosecution of the seven Mumbai defendants. End


Domestic Overview


¶3. (C) Pakistan continues to face extraordinary challenges on

the security and law enforcement front. The country has

suffered greater military, law enforcement, and civilian

casualties in fighting extremism and terrorism than almost

any other country. Pakistan's military is currently engaged

in combat operations against militant groups in the Malakand

Division of North West Frontier Province (NFWP) and six of

the seven agencies of the Federally Administered Tribal Areas

(FATA) along the Pak-Afghan border. At the same time,

Pakistan has experienced an alarming increase in terrorist

attacks against government and civilian targets in Pakistan's

major cities, resulting in several hundred deaths in recent

months. In your meetings, you should acknowledge the

sacrifices made by Pakistan's law enforcement agencies and

the pressure the terrorist attacks have placed on their


¶4. (C) In the midst of this difficult security situation,

Pakistan's civilian government remains weak, ineffectual, and

corrupt. Domestic politics is dominated by uncertainty about

the fate of President Zardari. He enjoys approval ratings in

the 20 percent range and has repeatedly clashed with key

power centers, including the military, politically ambitious

Supreme Court Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry, and opposition

leader Nawaz Sharif. In December, the Supreme Court ruled

unconstitutional the November 2007 National Reconciliation

Ordinance, promulgated by then-President Musharraf, which

provided legal amnesty for Benazir Bhutto, Zardari, and key

figures in their party, enabling them to participate in 2008

elections. The Court's ruling has paved the way for a

revival of corruption cases against a number of officials,

including Interior Minister Rehman Malik. Whether corruption

cases can be revived against Zardari himself is less certain,

as Pakistan's constitution includes a clause providing

sitting presidents with criminal immunity.

¶5. (C) While we have had major successes in our military and

law enforcement cooperation with Pakistan, cooperation has

frequently been hampered by suspicion in Pakistan's military

and intelligence establishment about U.S. intentions and

objectives. Among other things, the Pakistanis believe that

we have favored India over Pakistan -- most notably, by

approving civil-nuclear cooperation with India -- and that we

aim to dismantle Pakistan's nuclear weapons program, which,

in light of their conventional military disadvantage

vis-a-vis India, they consider critical to their national

security. The military and intelligence establishment is

also concerned that we are working with Pakistan's civilian

leadership to limit the military's prerogative in determining

Pakistan's national security policies. As a result of these

concerns, the military and intelligence establishment has

taken steps since Spring 2009 to hamper the operations of the

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Embassy. These steps include holding up the issuance and

renewal of Pakistani visas for permanent Embassy staff and

TDYers; denying import permits for armored vehicles for

Embassy use; sabotaging our contract with DynCorp

International to provide enhanced protective support for

Consulate General Peshawar personnel; slowing down

importation of U.S. assistance for the Pakistani government,

including equipment for Pakistani law enforcement agencies;

shutting down our Anti-Terrorism Assistance (ATA) training

program at Pakistan's Sihala Police Academy; putting up

roadblocks for our acquiring additional land for the

Embassy's expansion; and harassing Embassy personnel by

stopping and detaining Embassy vehicles. Some of these

problems have recently abated in response to our repeatedly

raising them with the highest levels of the Pakistani

government. However, we expect we will have to continue to

push back against such impediments for the foreseeable future.

Federal Investigation Agency


¶6. (C) The FBI's primary Pakistani counterpart is the Federal

Investigation Agency (FIA). On December 7, the government

replaced FIA Director General Tariq Khosa with Zafarullah

Khan. While Khosa was ostensibly given a promotion by being

named Secretary of the Ministry of Narcotics Control, a

number of press reports maintained that Khosa was removed

from his FIA position for his aggressive pursuit of

corruption cases against government officials and

businessmen. Khosa had developed close cooperation with the

U.S. on a host of law enforcement issues, including on the

Mumbai case. While Khan has a strong law enforcement

background, he has not shown an inclination to be as

forward-leaning on cooperation as Khosa was.

Counter-Terrorism Finance


¶7. (S) In the past year, Pakistan has made steady progress in

combating money laundering and the financing of terrorism.

Earlier this year, the FIA partnered with the State Bank of

Pakistan to crack down on large licensed and unlicensed money

service businesses that were violating foreign exchange laws

and contributing to money laundering. In January, the

National Assembly passed new Anti-Money Laundering (AML)

legislation; the bill is currently awaiting Senate action.

In the interim, the legislation is in force through its

promulgation as an ordnance signed by President Zardari.

Separately, during a February 12 meeting in Islamabad,

Assistant Treasury Secretary David Cohen provided the

Pakistanis with a compilation of tearline information on the

financial activities of terrorist organizations in Pakistan

-- including their use of the formal financial sector -- and

affiliated charities, businesses, and individuals. Cohen

encouraged the Pakistanis to exploit these leads in the

pursuit of additional inform

ation to identify key terrorism donors, fundraisers, and

financial facilitators. Cohen also passed declassified

terrorism finance information to four Pakistani banks.

Law Enforcement Assistance


¶8. (SBU) Pakistan's terrorism threats necessitate substantial

strengthening of the country's law enforcement capabilities.

The State Department's International Narcotics and Law

Enforcement (INL) Bureau is providing significant training,

equipment, and infrastructure assistance to the police in

North West Frontier Province (NWFP), i.e., the province most

affected by terrorist attacks. This assistance -- $ 40.5

million in FY2009 and $ 34.6 million in FY2010 -- focuses on

the NWFP police's Elite Force, a "heavy" police force with

SWAT-like capabilities established in 2008. Equipment we

are providing the Elite Force includes vehicles, armored

personnel carriers, protective vests, night vision goggles,

and communications gear. We are hardening police checkpoints

with Hesco-like barriers and are rebuilding three police

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stations in NWFP's Malakand Division that were destroyed by

militants. INL is also funding a variety of police training

courses implemented by the Department of Justice's ICITAP

program that are open to nationwide participation.

¶9. (C) The Department of State's Anti-Terrorism Assistance

(ATA) program has separate activities aimed at enhancing the

counter-terrorism capabilities of Pakistan's law enforcement

agencies. A key component of the ATA program is focused on

"hard skills" tactical training, including explosives

detection and disposal, quick reaction, and VIP protection.

Unfortunately, the ATA program is now under threat of

termination. Following false press reports that our ATA

trainers are using the training center provided by the

Pakistani government, i.e., the Sihala Police Academy, for

nefarious purposes -- including to gather information on a

nearby Pakistan nuclear installation -- the government has

decided to end our use of that facility and has not yet

provided an acceptable alternative site.

Mumbai Case


¶10. (C) Pakistan's prosecution of the seven suspects it

arrested in the Mumbai case -- i.e., Lashkar-e-Tayiba (LeT)

operatives Zakiur Rehman Lahkvi, Zarrar Shah, Al-Qama, Shahid

Jamil Riaz, and Hammad Amin Saqid, and terrorism financiers

Jamil Ahmed and Younos Anjum -- is proceeding, though at a

slow pace. The defense lawyers have aggressively filed

motions challenging varying aspects of the case. On November

25, an Anti-Terrorism Court finally framed the charges

against the seven defendants, allowing the court proceedings,

which are being held in camera, to move to the trial phase.

Four FBI expert witnesses are expected to be called to

testify for the prosecution. The government has continually

reassured us that the prosecutors will win convictions

against all the defendants after a trial lasting several

months, though it has a stronger case against the five LeT

operatives than against the two terrorism financers. There

are concerns that some of the convictions could be overturned

at the appellate level, where the courts set an extremely

high evidentiary bar. On October 12, a Pakistani court

quashed all remaining cases against Hafiz Saeed, the head of

LeT alias Jama'at-ud-Dawa (JuD). Those cases were not

related to the Mumbai attack. The government has repeatedly

told us that it would need much more evidence of Saeed's

direct involvement in the Mumbai attacks to move forward with

Mumbai-related charges against him.

David Coleman Headley


¶11. (S) In December, an FBI-DOJ team briefed Pakistani

officials from the ISI, Ministry of Interior, FIA, IB, and

MFA on the David Coleman Headley investigation, providing

them with tear-line information on Headley's statements to

U.S. authorities. ISI officials said they had very little

information to identify the Pakistanis mentioned in the

statements. They discussed their investigation into First

World Immigration Service, a business front used by Headley

and his co-conspirators. The ISI said while they would not

grant direct FBI access to co-conspirator Major (retd.)

Abdurrehman Syed, who was in ISI custody, the FBI could

submit questions for Syed through the ISI. The FIA and

Ministry of Interior informed the FBI that it would be

difficult to introduce Headley-related evidence in the

government's prosecution of the Mumbai defendants, including

because Headley's statements to U.S. authorities would be

treated as hearsay with little evidentiary value in court.

Sargodha Five


¶12. (C) The Pakistanis continue to pursue their own case

against the five American citizens from Northern Virginia who

were arrested in Sargodha, Punjab province, on December 8,

following suspicions they had travelled to Pakistan to engage

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in jihadist activities. They have not acted on our request

that the five be returned to the United States. The

Pakistani prosecutor has repeatedly asked for continuations

in the case because he is not yet prepared to move forward

with charges. The five suspects, who claim to have been

abused while in custody, were denied bail at a February 16

court hearing. The next hearing will take place sometime in


Aafia Siddiqui


¶13. (C) There has been widespread condemnation here of the

February 3 guilty verdict against Dr. Aafia Siddiqui, a

Pakistani citizen who was tried in Federal Court in New York

on charges of attempting to murder U.S. soldiers and law

enforcement authorities in Afghanistan. Many Pakistanis were

taken by surprise by the verdict because one-sided Pakistani

media coverage of the case reported only on her defense and

not the prosecution's case, leading local observers to

conclude her acquittal was a near certainty. We have

stressed to the Pakistanis that Siddiqui received a fair

trial and has a right to an appeal. A number of our

Pakistani interlocutors have suggested that President Obama

consider pardoning Siddiqui, and Prime Minister Gilani told

Senator Kerry on February 16 that Siddiqui should be

transferred to Pakistan to serve out her sentence here.


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