Website, adverts challenge Da Vinci Code
Website, adverts challenge Da Vinci Code
An Australian church group has launched a website and adverts challenging elements of The Da Vinci Code.

Sydney: An Australian church group has launched a website and a series of cinema adverts challenging elements of Dan Brown's book The Da Vinci Code to coincide with the release of the movie version.

The $38,000 campaign by Anglican Sydney Media urges viewers of the film and readers of Brown's multimillion selling book to seek the truth about Jesus Christ.

"Our concern is that The Da Vinci Code will mislead people about the truth," Bishop Robert Forsyth, the group's chairman, said in a statement on Sunday.

"We are not afraid of the film. We are not seeking to discourage people from seeing it," he added. "But we are well aware of the power popular films have in filling the information void about Jesus."

Among often-disputed claims made in Brown's book and tackled on the website are that Jesus married Mary Magdalene and she bore his child. Mary Magdalene is described, both in the canonical New Testament and in the New Testament apocrypha, as a devoted disciple of Jesus.

The film version of The Da Vinci Code, starring Tom Hanks, is due to release on May 17-19.

Brown's book already has spawned several other websites and books seeking to debunk his claims.

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