Telangana families to set up open-air kitchens
Telangana families to set up open-air kitchens
HYDERABAD: Come Sunday and the male member of the family will spend more bucks on purchasing vegetables and the women will be seen..

HYDERABAD: Come Sunday and the male member of the family will spend more bucks on purchasing vegetables and the women will be seen busy preparing food. The children will be helping their mothers by cutting vegetables.This scenario is common in every household on Sundays. But on the coming Sunday, June 19, it will be different. The entire kitchen activity will be shifted to roads.Around 5 lakh families, whether rich or poor, will cook and eat food on roads in a novel demonstration of their demand for a separate state.They dance and sing Telangana songs they enjoy their holiday.Of course, they relish and enjoy their Telangana dishes as part of their Sunday feast. But, there is heartburn behind their enjoyment.They want separate Telangana. So they chose the novel protest of cooking and eating food on roads.The Telangana Political Joint Action Committee (TJAC) called the people of Hyderabad to participate in Vanta-Varpu by coming out on the streets, and cooking and eating food in the open in the streets demanding immediate formation of Telangana state.As all the families cook food on roads before their residences, it will be a sort of “Sahapankti Bhojanalu”, which will foster good neighbourly relations and solidarity in their fight for Telangana.“The heat generated by cooking here should be felt by the powers in Delhi,” thundered TJAC chairman M Kodandaram.“All employees with their families will come onto the streets. As it is a Sunday we too will participate in the programme in large numbers,” TNGO president Swami Goud said.Three parties -BJP, TRS and CPI-ML (New Democracy)- which are part of TJAC extended their support to the protest programme which will be organised on the roads in all the 150 divisions of the state capital. As Vanta-Varpu will be undertaken even on the Hyderabad- Mumbai, Hyderabad- Bangalore, Hyderabad-Vijayawada and Hyderabad- Nagapur national highways, people of other states passing through these parts and journeying ob these roads will come to know of Telangana people’s demand and the novel demonstration.The TJAC already constituted division committees to inform and motivate people on the protest. “Some Muslim organisations too have come forward to participate in the programme,” Kodandaram said.“All those living in Hyderabad, including the settlers, want a separate Telangana.We want to prove this,” claimed a leader. Huge arrangements are being made at various places.

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